If you started a brand new blog or you already have one, then you know that if you want to become a successful blogger, there are a lot of things that you should take care of (SEO and Internet Marketing, for example). Increasing page views and decreasing bounce rate in your site is essential. In a few words, you want your visitors staying on your website as much time as … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Make Your Blog Better
Making your blog better should be a priority for any blogger. There are many ways you can improve your blog, both in content and looks, but here are six ways to make your blog both functional and appealing. 1. Make It Look Good Let’s get to the look of your blog. The way your blog looks is an important part of how your readers react to it. No matter how … [Read more...]
10 Free Tools to Boost Your Blog Power
Busting into the blogging scene is easy. All you do is show up, write a few words, and people will flock to you. No worries! Wrong. But that’s what so many bloggers think. And when people don’t show up, they get frustrated and quit. People don’t show up because the net is overcrowded and listening to the same regurgitation over and over again gets old. The big names … [Read more...]
How To Build A Blog That People Actually Want To Read
As a blogger, you know just how vital readers are for your website's success. How valuable is a blog that no one wants to read? Visitors who come across your blog expect it to spark their interests. If not, your blogging efforts won't result in an increase in traffic. Here are some tips to ensure that you publish blog posts that your visitors actually want to … [Read more...]
5 Blogging Tips Signed by Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino is my favorite film director, screenwriter and producer. His movies are characterized by strange storylines, with a magnification of violence. I am a big fan of titles like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill and Jackie Brown. So, since Quentin is not a blogger, what can we learn from him? There are few lessons we can take from his … [Read more...]
5 Effective Tips to Become a Successful Blogger
Every day, millions of people are bombarding the internet with posts from blogs that are owned by different people all over the world. Some people come up with their own blog just to have some sort of diversion. Others do it for serious business purposes. If you are one of those who are aspiring to be one of the most successful bloggers in the world, you should not miss … [Read more...]
Making Money Through Blogging: Is This Really A Possibility?
With issues such as job insecurity and impending economic crises around the world, there are many people who are truly desperate to try to find alternative methods of earning an income. One of the ways of doing this is generating an income online through writing. It is a known fact that blogging, for instance, can bring in a huge income each month (of course by hitting … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Writing for a Specific Target Audience
The fastest way to the blog cemetery is to write a nondescript, vague blog that has no focus, no central theme, and no specific audience. Once you have your main concept in place, the next most important step is to determine for whom you're writing your content. Before you answer, know that your answer can't be "everybody." This is when you have to put on your … [Read more...]
Tips to Give a More Professional Tone to Your Writing
Have you ever noticed how the articles written in famous newspapers or popular blogs have always "something" more, which makes them look very professional? In contrast, the posts that you may find around online or in poor quality blogs, are written by amateurs, and every time you read this low quality content you leave right away, thinking to suggest the authors to rewrite … [Read more...]
Maximizing the Effectiveness of your Site’s Images
Making sure that your website has captivating images is not just great for your viewers, but also for SEO purposes. A properly optimized image on your site can draw in tons of traffic from search engines that you may not get from organic results alone. Images by themselves are just as important as your headlines, meta tags, and URL structure. Let’s look at some simple … [Read more...]