Getting more traffic to your website is a huge deal.
People have a million ways that they do this.
Some of these ways work and some do not.
Some ways require a huge investment of either time, money, or both.
Some just take a few minutes but make a huge impact.
These ways I am about to tell you fall in the latter category.
They do not take a lot of time or money to do, but they can help your blog get a lot more traffic than ever before.
1. Guest Posting
Yes, guest posting is safe and still working, if done the right way.
Guest posting is a simple exchange. You provide quality content and you get a mention to your blog.
If you can get a guest post opportunity on a good site and you write relevant content, you can get some quality traffic.
It is linking with the benefit of not only getting your search engine rankings up, but also encouraging organic contacts with real readers.
2. Blog Commenting
Commenting on other people’s blogs or posts is a great way to not only get your links on your sites, but also to engage with the community.
If you can make friends with other site owners, you can band together to share information and even readers.
There does not always have to be a competition, cooperation works better for everyone involved.
As you know, building connections and creating relationships online within your niche is always a smart investment of your time.
3. Accurate keywords
You have to be accurate in how you classify your site and posts.
If you target the wrong keywords, you get the wrong search results and the wrong readers.
It will not matter how good your content is if it does not match what they are looking for.
Make sure you use keywords accurately and with the best possible words so that your posts and site can be found by people who really want what you are offering.
4. Keep it short
Making your paragraphs short helps readers to stay interested in what you are saying.
No one wants to read a big chunk of text!
If you can break up your content into smaller paragraphs, you will be much better off and have more people stay on your site.
5 . Use lists
In the same way that people like to read short things, people also love post lists.
Lists make it easy to scan and see which points appeal to them.
They also let the reader know ahead of time exactly how long the article will be.
Sometimes they have time to read a list of ten but not of a hundred!
Lists will get attention and bring in more readers.
6. Make it strange
For some reason, strangeness sells.
The more odd your titles and content are, the more likely it is that people will want to stop and take a look.
Having strange content is a great way to get attention.
It can be about current events, celebrities, or weird news.
Your title should make them think twice when they read it and make them want to click on it to find out what it is all about.
Strange titles and content are a great hook for new readers.
These tips are not difficult to apply.
They really should not take up a lot of your time.
They are also free to do.
But they are a great way to get more traffic to your blog or website.
What do you think?
Do you have some hints to add?
Please share them in the comments below, thanks!
Hey Eric,
I love your tip about making it strange. Somehow it seems to be true that people love strange things and they are inclined to click the more odd the title or subject lines are.
Personally I use mostly social media sites to drive traffic to my pages. It might take a bit to start with, but after a short while it works nicely.
I think it is important to know several strategies how to generate traffic, try one after the other and see if you can make them work for you, to finally stick with those that will give the best results.
Have an awesome weekend ahead,
Hi Torsten,
I’m curious about how social media help you get more people. It’s usually the contrary, people come to your blog and then follow you to social media. could you explain better?
Now it’s really a big problem to optimize search engines for obtaining traffic because of uncommon penalties introduced by Google. Quality content is also one of the important thing to get quality traffic. Anyway, nice post.
I Like your P.S 😀
Well Erik Thanks for the Awesome Article but according to me the 4th one is not the way of getting traffic, It may be used for Engaging the present traffic .
Wow Erik!
Thanks for kindly mentioning my eBook on commenting! I love the approach, and I know you do too.
It’s free, and all it takes is a bit of persistence in sharing your in-depth thought frequently, over a period of time. Folks will click through to learn more about you if you’re hungry to share your value, comment-wise, and if you’ll persist in following this approach.
Each tip rocks my friend. Being creative and speaking your voice by writing frequently boosts your traffic too. Great way to stand out from the crowd.
Find your driver, too. I love living in paradise, and I love being free, and I just want to take as many folks with me as possible. I write those eBooks – #9 being written now 😉 – because I intend for folks to buy them, and to use them, to travel to paradise like I do, through smart blogging.
I’ve made my products super inexpensive; all eBooks are $12.95, which pales in comparison to the hundreds or thousands people charge for their products. I want this to be the ultimate bargain, as the strategies I teach are the exact things I did, to live in places like Bali, and Fiji, and Costa Rica, and I feel doing so helped boost my blog traffic.
It’s been such a wild ride, this blogging bit, and I’ve learned that going above and beyond will help you out so much.
Erik, thanks again! I appreciate you sharing my eBook, and sharing your wisdom. So much goodness here folks.
I am happy to tweet this from Fiji.
Hi Erik,
Indeed, the 6 tips shared here are not difficult to apply. They are very effective and cheap.
Targeted traffic can be achieved with these methods. For any marketer – newbie or professional – these ways should be applied. They are easy!
I left this comment in where this post was shared.
Hi Erik,
I really have found blog guest posts and commenting to be a big influencer for me, going both ways. I’m really picky about the content I put on my site and when I guest post I always strive to create the best content possible for my friend’s readers.
It not only makes me look good but more importantly it makes them look GREAT!
I couldn’t agree more about shorter paragraphs. A screen is a lot different than a book; and on a phone it’s even more important.
I tend to use one and two sentence paragraphs and bullets to make it easier to read.
One reason this all so important is that people don’t read the internet, they scan it until something stands out to them. Then they may take the time to read it.
Great post Erik. I hope you have an awesome weekend!!!!
~ Don Purdum
Hi Erik 🙂 first time on your blog! And hey you are right, Strangeness really does sell! I remember post a link on reddit some days back with the head line “Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene”. Although I’m new to the blogosphere, the amount of traffic I got from reddit alone crashed my servers! 🙂 Thanks for the insightful post!
Excellent article Eric… guest blogging and commenting on other blogs are two widely used tips to derive traffic by most Internet marketers and it still is growing,,
Hey Erik,
I love how you mention guest posting first because I’ve come across SO many people that actually think guest posting is HARMFUL and should be avoided at all costs.
The fact of the matter is that even if guest posting no longer helps for SEO purposes, the amount of real human traffic your guest post can bring is phenomenal. If you’re content is enjoyable for the website’s audience, there’s no reason for them NOT to visit your blog and see what you have to offer.
Guest posting is an amazing opportunity I feel far more people should be taking advantage of.
Hi Erik,
Great write man.
For some reason, I really dig into your simple posts. The listing is really good as well. When you are out of ideas, that are some good ‘things’ you can do!
Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend dear friend!
Simple tricks bro. Thank you so much. Keywords are significant, right? I didn’t inserted any keywords in my blog posts consciously. After reading 3rd trick, I decided to try my luck. 4th one seems the one I always disobey. I surely keep my paragraphs short from the next post itself. Thank you so much.
Another awesome post.
No doubt, You mentioned some good trick to get traffic. I hope this will be beneficial for me too.
Hey Erik,
I really like it as guest posting help us to drive more traffic to blog immensely. One can do get more out of it, we not only get a backlink but a huge audience which increase our blog reach.
I really like guest posting and had made 3 guest posts till now.
Thanks for sharing
Hey Erik!
I love all your tips! I use most of them but I admit that I hate doing keyword research. Most of the time I do it “after” the post or video goes live and I may end up changing the title after checking my analytics
What tool are you using for keyword research these days? I know there are some new ones around so I’m looking for recommendations.
Hey Erik,
Thanks for the in depth review of various traffic generating tips.
In my initial blogging days i also used to spam facebook for traffic but it doesn’t gave me any targeted audience and now i am working SEO and link building strategies .
I totally agree with your point. I think guest blogging is the best way to increase traffic.
Keep Sharing
Rahul Patel
LOVE the strange idea! That resonated with me 🙂
Hi Erik.
Making it strange is an interesting one. I think it’s because there is so much similar content out there without much thought that something original and unique tends to stand out.
Something else that you have done very well is to have a simple and clean design. Having plenty of space with no clutter makes the experience so much easier for readers.
Hey Erik,
Great post. I agree with the ones that I’ve tried already, guest posting, commenting, accurate keywords, lists, keeping it short.
I haven’t tried that “keep it strange” one that you mentioned, I’ll have to investigate that.
But all great tips. By far, I like the guest posting one the best. Even though I’m fairly new at it and have only done 3 guest posts so far, in 3 months, it’s something I wish I did from the start. But I’m glad I get to do it now.
Great stuff .
– Andrew
I like strange posts 🙂
Lists are still effective but everyones doing it nowadays, so I vote for the strange route 😀
I’m recently trying to be active with blog commenting, I’ve been able to meet a lot of people and I even found your blog through the comments. You’ve been on my Feedly ever since.
Thanks Erik
Good post, Good ideas and high informative thoughts. i read and i really love to read over and over just to increase my site traffic too. Thanks
Hi Erik,
I love the last one “Make it strange”; I can relate this with one of Enstine Muki’s title
“Why I would Never Visit Your Blog Again”.
That headline got many people running on the heels to read the post, including me. For some weird reason, people tends to move more to something that got them curious or keep them in suspense.
Thanks for sharing, do have a nice time.
Hi Erik,
I found this article at Aha Now blog community.
You are very true here. Traffic is needy thing for every blogs. The more traffic we have, the more success we can achieve.
You have shared an amazing ways here to get more traffic. I do use all these methods sometimes and they are really beneficial too
Keeping the paragraphs short and odd title are really great ways to attract lot of visitors.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful topic. This is really helpful for newbies and who doesn’t aware of this.
Have a nice day!
Hi Erik
I found this article from AHA Community and I am glad I did.
This post is very informative indeed and the tips you have listed are guaranteed and is sure to wok for any blogger.
I like the idea of making your blog strange; that is an interesting concept as curiosity does help a blog get more traffic. Thanks for sharing.
#4 is spot on. A huge chunk of text is so unappealing to a reader. It makes it feel like work instead of entertaining or enlightening content. If a post looks like to much at a glance people will surely click off.
Strange works because it’s intriguing. I’ve even read things because I read the title and had to find out what it was about. You have to grab their attention some how.
Great tips Erik!
Hi Erik,
All you’ve said concerning getting huge traffic on your blog is right but among all the keyword ish and making it strange seems more effective to me.
Formally I used the guest post techniques but it proved negative, so I no more write guest posts for traffic purposes, I now write to share my knowledge.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Hi Erik,
Nice informative post. Starting from guest posting, it definitely helps in connecting with new readers. Commenting is an another way to connect to the other bloggers having the same niche as yours or who writes on a topic you are interested in. Among the former two, I think keyword is more effective way to gain more traffic. And keeping the paragraph short can actually increase readability as well. Everyone loves lists, who doesn’t? lastly, coming up with a strange and never seen before content surely helps to retain readers.
Enjoyed reading the post and it was helpful. Thanks for sharing it at Aha!Now ABC community.
Rohan Chaubey.
Increasing the traffic is important to every website owner to increase the leads. The strategies mentioned in the blog post are really awesome as I have used some of them to increase the traffic towards my website. I really enjoyed using these tips for the success of my website. Really liked this post.
Have a great day ahead!
Hi eric,
Great tips.Social media,guest posting are really good to get traffic.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Erik,
There are many people who try to drive traffic at their blog. Writing the blog post is not enough. Bloggers should focus on promoting their blog. Targeting the right keywords is necessary.
Bloggers need to use social media to boost traffic at their blog.
Thanks for writing this article.
Have a nice day.:)
Really Nice To Know all these 6 tips..And second one was my favourite i.e blog commenting..That’s the main source which made me to interact with many blogger friends..
Happy blogging
I made my blog around 8 months ago but can’t see huge traffic. Don’t know what’s happening to my site but I wrote all posts very neatly.
Many individuals are moving towards blogging as online business. But they are failing due to lack of traffic on their blogs. To attract more traffic on your blogs you must apply all the tactics described above as efficiently as possible. Your language must be lucid and attractive to all. Your contents must be spicy and healthy enough to meet the demand of readers. After all proper quality back linking is also important.
Thank you….
Hey Erik, I agree with your last pointer – Make it strange. It seems more and more readers are inclined to click or visit an article with a bizarre title… too magnetic.
I have not tried them yet as I am always focus on the correct title corresponding to my content. But I will try to play around with a catchy title.
What a simple and sweet article to understand . I like it very much. I will try the tricks yo have given. Still I am not so aware of blog posting. will you please explain in detail.
Thanks for this awesome post .. guest blogging and commenting on other blogs are effective ways to drive traffic,. and it is working for most of the internet marketers.
very interesting post…these simple tricks speaks greater than any other thing
Wow. Great points you mentioned above. Yeah, Guest posting and commenting works. But Don’t forget that to make a guest post then you must need to make a quality article. It needs hard work to make a quality post. And blog commenting is little easy than guest blogging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Great one.
I just jumped to this pos after reading your latest post about social branding. Though this post points out some basic fundamentals, it kinds of revision to some people but amazing encapsulation. I am expecting extra-ordinary tricks for ranking and traffic increase from you so please share your secrets.
i like the ideas you provided on this post, thanks
Happy to learn some new strategies, list posts always get more viral attention. I have tested it on one of my blog.
Content needs to be compelling and interesting. You can pull loads of traffic in from PPC services but if your content is awful people wont come back. Great content increases the likelihood of revisitation and multipage viewing. Create great, applicable, compelling content.
Hi Erik sir
I always love to do guest posting because It is the best way to show your knowledge in front of those audience whom you don’t know.
It also helps to introduce yourself in front of new people.
Guest posting is really a great way to attract lots of readers to your own blog.
Hey Eric,
I love your great tips about gaining traffic.
No doubt, The main purpose of any blogger is to gain more and more traffic. I always recommended blog comment especially comment on those blog that have comment Luv plugin enabled. I spend most of my time on commenting. I comment on about 25-30 blogs a day.
Readers are our source of income or our success so we should always take care of our readers. If your readers are happy with you then we can say that you are successful blogger.
Any way thanks Eric for sharing your experience with us.
Areesha Noor!
Hey Erik,
Thanks for this article! a lot of it was known to me, but refreshing the brain helps to keep a person on their toes. It’s also a great reference for beginners. I would just add that being a true (sincere) contributor to conversations and in the community of your industry are huge. I think it takes time to build an audience and being that there is a boat load of spam, it takes awhile to build trust. So read articles, comment on articles, share those articles, credit the writers of those articles and repeat. Create great content, continue be social and the traffic will come.
Hi Erik,
Great tips!
Getting good amount traffic is always a big challenge for a new blogger. Be active on social media sites and online communities Intract with other bloggers and by doing some small SEO workalways be updated with google search guidines Anyways thanks for sharing your idea keep sharing.
Thanks for this article! a lot of it was known to me, but refreshing the brain helps to keep a person on their toes. It’s also a great reference for beginners. I would just add that being a true (sincere) contributor to conversations and in the community of your industry are huge. I think it takes time to build an audience and being that there is a boat load of spam, it takes awhile to build trust. So read articles, comment on articles, share those articles, credit the writers of those articles and repeat. Create great content, continue be social and the traffic will come.
Thanks for sheared once again and I really enjoyed to reading this post.
Great tips. Really loving this website. Already found another interesting article regarding promoting my company online. Thank you very much.
I believe that the most important thing – it is to blog information was really useful
I am going to ask you a question that does guest blogging is now on dead? By the way this is a good post to boost traffic on blog.
Guest Blogging is not dead and I don’t think it’ll ever be. Guest blogging is the best method to get the authority and natural relevant links to the blog.
Nice artilce Erik, thanks for sharing. Extremely useful for quality SEO
Hi Erik, this was like a refresher course much needed. Sometimes I get carried away with my paragraphs then I go back and see how I can make it shorter with a transition that makes sense. Sometimes I find I came turn some of the content into a list. Thanks for your comment!
Great read . Love the idea on Share Triggers. I’ll definitely be trying to implement this strategy in the new authority site that I’m building. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the new training material you’ll be releasing. Looking forward to it
Getting traffic on blog is really a headache for many bloggers, but this guide will help them out for sure. I think updating old posts helps in ranking and makes your contest look fresh in eyes of Google, what do you think about it ?
Good article i like it but For me Backlink and the guest posting is the best option to bring more traffic.
Great article, lots of great tips for a new blogger like me! Trying to get traffic to my website is a struggle but I’m going to try these tips to make it easier. Thanks for the great article.
I’ve just came by to your post. It is great. I sure like the 6th. Odd things are interesting and interesting stuff have potential to go viral.
I agree with these 6 tips, you can put into practice that they work.
you are right, it is true that content must be easy to read and understand, content must be short because no one wants to read essay and content should be point to point and goog looking.
Hi Eric,
We all are working for traffic. Usually, we pay attention to Keywords, SEO, research and social media marketing to divert readers to the blog. List and How to posts are another sources of traffic that people love to read.
Thanks a lot for the share,
Take care,
i am driving traffic by applying 1st and 3rd step.
I have always enjoyed reading your posts, Erik. Thanks for sharing these helpful pointers. I like that you mentioned #4 to #6, they are not usually included as strategies to generate traffic in most articles but I’m glad they were included here. Great reminders as I oftentimes forget to apply them myself – quality content, short, strange and using lists. Thanks again!
Drive the Traffic on your site is not simple task, you will have to promote your blog post on different-2 social network so, you can drive the relevant Traffic on your site. Keep your site up to date. Update your site on regular basis. Thanks for sharing it, i would like to share it on my seo network.
Hi Erik,
Thanks for the great read. There are definitely some good tips in there.
What is your opinion on blogging for niche sites? I find it hard to get traffic based on keywords alone because they just aren’t searched enough.
There also isn’t enough information for the related search terms so it is difficult to choose a popular keyword.
As a blog owner , is it good for you to comment on your blog?
Thanks to give tips on improve the website traffic..
I am digital marketing expert and i use the seo and smo to boost my site traffic..
SEO will take some time to show the result, but through SMO you can get the good result..
Nice tips to drive the more traffic on your blog….
your tips for improve the traffic will really help to newbie blogger and seo expert..
I would like to recommend the SMO for initial traffic… Thanks
Thanks to provide tips for boosting traffic on blog..
I will ask to go with SMO if you need instance traffic. SEO take some time to show the result in SERP.
also your Google ranking can drop after google update in SEO..
nice page! congratulations for work! are valuable tips for increasing traffic on my website. thanks!
Hi, Thanks for sharing this proper information about getting traffic on our website via different techniques. I have searched a lot about this topic but got partial information about it.
I found this article at blog community.
You are very true here. Traffic is needy thing for every blogs. The more traffic we have, the more success we can achieve.
You have shared an amazing ways here to get more traffic. I do use all these methods sometimes and they are really beneficial too
Thanks for sharing this wonderful topic. This is really helpful for newbies and who doesn’t aware of this.
Seeya !
amazing tips to help lots of bloggers grow traffic through the social media platforms. will definitely send people to your blog. Thanks very much
Great points! I will definitely try the strategies that you have shared here to my blog. Thank you for sharing this, very informative and helpful!
Hello Erik,
Great Suggestions!! I had Tried Many of this, in one Guest Posting i got Cheated so i have very bad experience about Guest Posting.
Great Post Erik thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing great tips and idea. I like your post. You have shared an interesting blog post with people.
Hey Erik, thanks for sharing these tips to increase the traffic. I am planning to start an affiliate blog will it work for affiliate blog as well?
Here are some ways to get traffic to the website
Advertise. This one is so obvious, we’re going to look at it first. …
Get Social. …
Mix It Up. …
Write Irresistible Headlines. …
Pay Attention to On-Page SEO. …
Target Long-Tail Keywords. …
Start Guest Blogging. …
Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site.
Great tips and ideas to get more traffic on your site. Thanks for sharing..!!
I am trying all these techniques but unable to drive traffic on my website.
Its so simple tricks and also useful for generating traffic on my website. Thanks for sharing such a informative post.