Well written content is the key to building up a large following, whether you’re looking to do so on your blog or website.
You can’t churn out content that is low quality, filled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. If you’re not sure what the benefits of well written content are, read on to learn:
You Can Establish Yourself as a Niche in the Industry
With well written content, people automatically assume you know what you’re talking about. You could be the most knowledgeable person in the industry, but if your content is littered with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, they aren’t going to believe you.
Your writing won’t be powerful enough. You’ll never establish yourself as a niche! With well written content, you can establish yourself as an authority.
You don’t even need to know what you’re talking about – providing it looks like you do, you can get away with it. Although I don’t recommend that.
You Will Get More Shares and Exposure
When people like your content, you will get more shares. Sometimes on Facebook, sometimes on Twitter, sometimes via email. There are other ways too.
The more shares you get, the more exposure you get. Ultimately, this can lead to so many more benefits! You can never get too much exposure. It’s basically free advertising.
Get Better Rankings on the Search Engines
With well written content, you’ll get better rankings on the search engines. They appreciate spelling, grammar, and originality.
Provide the internet with valuable content and the search engines basically thank you for it.
Get Links from Other Sites/Blogs
If other site owners like your content, they’ll link back to you.
This can be very valuable, especially if the link comes from somewhere popular.
Make Your Brand Recognisable
With a particular writing style, you can make your brand more recognisable.
People will notice your style of writing before they even realise it’s you.
Attract the Right Audience
By focusing on the kind of content you want to put out there, you can attract the right audience.
You want a targeted audience to find your posts! Whether you get in house writers or virtual writers, they can attract your audience in the best way.
Engage Customers
Customers will engage with you when they like your content. They’ll comment on it, and may even ask you questions.
You can build a relationship with them this way, and focus on making them want to work with you.
Make them want to come back to you again and again by making them feel good about interacting with you.
Higher Conversions
Above anything else, well written content can help you to get higher conversions. Higher conversions means more money, so it’s more than worth taking the time to do this.
Now you can see just how important well written content is and why you should take the time to do it.
Whether you do it yourself or get an outside source to do it doesn’t matter. The key is that the spelling, grammar, and topic is on point.
If you can make it funny or interesting, then that’s even better!
I agree with all your arguments. Social share is very good way to promote your page. As a unique text, you have, more chances that you will rank well on a search engine.