Today, many people are making money online through new opportunities on the Internet.
Running a blog is just one of many ways people can make money by sharing their creativity online.
If you’ve ever thought about making money through your writing, read ahead for some useful tips on maintaining a blog that will appeal to advertisers and visitors.
1. Choose a Niche
Many of the most popular bloggers found their popularity by picking a niche topic.
For example, if you’re interested in food, you could start a blog about your favorite recipes.
A blog that covers every topic will have difficulty attracting a consistent audience.
Blogging about one particular topic will also help you attract advertisers related to your niche.
You should read : 4 Signs You Are Blogging in the Wrong Niche
2. Establish Your Presence
If you want to succeed at blogging, you need to establish a lasting presence.
Hosted blogs have their place, but buying your own domain and web hosting gives you the opportunity to create a permanent home for your writings.
Additionally, having your own website means you have the freedom to do anything you want with it.
You can even create or buy your own custom design to personalize your website.
3. Build Your Audience
To become a successful blogger, you must work hard to expand your audience.
You won’t make any money from your advertisers and sponsors if you don’t have a solid audience.
Use social media and other tools to spread the word about your website.
Take the time to interact with others in your niche community to create healthy traffic back to your blog.
You can do this by leaving comments on related blogs or guest posting on a friend’s website.
4. Enable Comments
Most blog systems give you the option to allow visitors to leave comments on each of your posts.
Comments offer you a great way to host conversations among your visitors.
If someone leaves a comment, you should respond to them as soon as possible.
Good interaction on your part helps keep the discussion about your opinions alive.
You can help foster discussions by ending your posts with a question or thought-provoking idea.
This is an interesting article from Enstine Muki :
Hidden Blog Commenting Trick For Huge Traffic & Networking!
5. Develop Your Brand
Developing your online name and brand helps you stay consistent across other websites and social networks.
If you go by your real name, always sign up for new social networks with this name.
You should also pick a profile icon to use on your blog and your social networks.
This icon will represent you and your brand.
6. Search Engine Optimization
Most Internet users rely on search engines to find useful information online.
These search engines are great tools for building your online audience.
Many successful bloggers see their traffic increase after learning how to use relevant keywords and clear titles in each of their blog posts.
Proper search engine optimization helps search engines to bring new traffic directly to you.
7. Be Creative
You can expand your blog’s influence by attracting new visitors with a few creative ideas.
Consider throwing a contest for a product that relates to your niche.
For example, if you write about movies, host a movie trivia contest with a related prize.
Fun and unique content will appeal to your regular visitors and generate enough buzz to attract new ones.
8. Don’t Give Up
Curating a blog takes time and energy before it will become a successful hit with visitors and advertisers.
Keep updating your blog frequently so that your viewers always have fresh content waiting for them.
If you ever feel frustrated with your blog’s progress, schedule a few posts to publish automatically with your blogging system.
If you want to succeed in blogging, you must exercise patience.
Making money through blogging is possible, but it will take creativity and work on your part.
The competition for online advertisers and visitors is fierce, but if you can continue to offer quality content, your audience and influence will grow.
What is your experience in the field?
Can you add something useful?
Please let me have your thoughts in the comments below, thanks!
Hey Erik,
All very good tips my friend. I’m so glad I’m not having to start from scratch again with no one knowing who I am and trying to build up an audience. With all the different people and blogs that are online today it can get a little overwhelming.
I will say though that it’s so worth it if you’re doing something you enjoy and I mean being in a niche that you love. You can write about it like forever so then finding the people who are interested in what you share really isn’t a terribly hard thing to do. You’ve definitely got some great tips for them in that area right!
So on that note I second #8, don’t give up. It’s so worth it when you can sit back and say look what I’ve built. Awesome!
Great share Erik and you have a wonderful weekend.
Hey Erik,
Thanks for this beautiful mention. Besides, you hit these points bro 😉
I like the last point. Many bloggers quit because of lack of motivation. In some cases, this rolls back to point 1 – they missed their foundation. If you don’t blog in the right niche, you may face problems along the way.
I know of bloggers that just write without giving space for keywords yet they go complaining they don’t have traffic from Google. My opinion is that search engine traffic is the best. Any move to neglect it may mean less business.
And of course, the first step to establish ones presence is getting a domain name and hosting your own blog. Grabbing the free blog may help save some drops of money but there is a lot of limitations.
I have had many newbie bloggers contact me asking to review their blogs. As soon as I find out they are not self-hosted, I simply tell them to grow up. I personally can’t help anyone with a sub domain on WordPress or blogspot. There is limited flexibility.
Once again, thanks for the mention bro and do have a wonderful weekend
Hi Erik,
I dig each point. Branding is huge. I tried to blog about generic topics from a generic space for years, and struggled like hell. Then I went nutzo on branding, placing travel images all over my blog and telling my story, and things got easier and easier.
Then, I started a new blog a few days ago built entirely on my life’s story; blogging from paradise. It was the perfect match, drilling down to find a niche which best reflects my lifestyle. I saw people needed a way to know how to retire to a life of blogging and island hopping so I figured, why not me since I’m living that lifestyle already?
Some people miss out on the fact that money responds to clarity, and a definite purpose. Getting super specific in who you’re writing for and why you’re writing can give immense power to your purpose.
The challenge lies in establishing full clarity around why you’re blogging and detaching from money outcomes. Feel free to monetize but don’t let any weird energies around trying to make money dampen your creativity. Or don’t let your obsessions with making money create a force-field around you which repels successful bloggers who’d help you out.
Be true to you. Practice writing. Find your voice. Do your best to serve a specific targeted reader, and you’ll prosper through blogging.
Thanks much for the share Erik, smart blogging insight here.
Nice overview.
However, I cant help but think you have missed one very important tip. I know #2 and #5 skirt around it, but I am going to say it:
Establish your personal identity.
Especially true if you are a one person blog. Establishing who you are and establishing your own writing style is crucial to blogging success. I see Ryan’s comment above, and I actually commented on his blog a few hours earlier – without a personal identity, a blog is just another bland blog.
People connect with people, not with businesses. So I think another tip could be: Create A Personal Identity.
Great list though, and nice blog my friend.
Yes, making money online is possible and this requires creativity on the part of the blogger. One of the most important steps that should be taken into consideration is building audience. A blogger should create value and exposure of his products or contents to the audience.
Newbies should readily follow these tips and make the most of their online success!
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Hi Erik,
Nice to meet you here…….Great info you shared about creation of blog to make money.
Selection of precise niche is very important part to start your blog because it decide your successful blogging journey.
User engagement and audience building are the interconnected processes to promote your blog. It means that target the relevant peoples and build relationship with them by sharing information, emails and social media linking.
Do SEO for your website, this is a crucial step to increase your website’s visibility on search engines by organically.
Thanks for sharing such great information.
I found this post on….!!!
Hi Erik,
I do love the point you raised with respect to having don’t give up was what I liked most.
Many do think blogging is an easy thing forgetting the fact that every little thing takes time. Patience is of course what is needed as a blogger.
Hi, Thanks for the blog post. Very succinct and to the point. I agree that motivation is important. Many give up because they were under the impression that blogging is a quick and easy way to make $. I share a lot of tips with people about how they can promote their blog posts to amplify their content across the internet so I agree that seo and and keyword research is key.
Recently, I’ve read “Top 5 Breathtaking Reasons to Love Blogging” by Jitendra. In addition, I think your article “8 Tips on Creating a Successful Blog to Make Money” is awesome and if these two articles will be read by newbies, the information and ideas they needed about blogging is perfect to read and understand.
The 8 tips above are easy to understand, however, for a fresh bloom blogger, they need to absorb and mull over these guidelines to be successful in blogging and so that they will be able to generate money.
I found this post shared on, the Internet marketing social networking site, and I “kingged” it and left this comment.
Hi Erik,
Simple and effective post. Making money is the first thing many bloggers have in their mind, but getting money is the only thing they don’t receive while blogging.
Blogging is a business, bundled with hard work and patience, it will be be flourishing.
One needs to grow the blogging with quality post and loyal audience. So true, niche websites are easy to maintain and grow, while multi-topic website is very tough to maintain.
My mantra to earn money from blogging is to don’t except it, though work for it. This way, one will grow eventually over the time. Beautiful post, I found this on Kingged.
I think one of the hardest things to do when blogging is having patience, and putting in the amount of work it takes to be a successful blogger. But, anything worth having or doing in this world is going to take hard work. I like blog posts that give relevant tips, and express what it takes to become successful, because it helps newcomers believe in themselves. Keep up the good work and keep inspiring, you never know who’s paying close attention!
Good post indeed, Erik! 🙂
There are many ways to make money online, and it includes blogging that has been one of the prominent online businesses that you can invest in.
Blogging is both a simple and tough business, but with the right approach, you’ll surely gain profit from it. The tips I’ve read from the article above are indeed helpful, and I must say that they are effective in creating a successful business blog.
All these tips are valuable in building a blog. What’s the most remarkable for me is the last tip given. Don’t ever give up on blogging easily. As what you’ve said, one should exercise his patience if he wants to succeed in blogging.
Thanks for this post!
P.S. I’ve found this article shared on and leave the same message there.
Great post Erik,
The tips you told us are really effective. Being creative is important while blogging. It is what can create ideas in your mind for blogging.
Choosing a niche and sticking to it is also important to earn money in blogging. Trying and testing something new that helps our readers is also a good practice to create a great readership.
And the ‘COMMENTS’ are important to blog. They make every post more prosperous. Quality comments we receive are able to start discussion, get ideas for next post.
Thanks for such a great post!
Have a Nice Day Ahead!
Well, i found this post on and commented on it.
Great post Erik,
The tips you told are really effective. Being creative is important while blogging. It is what can create ideas in your mind for blogging.
Choosing a niche and sticking to it is also important to earn money in blogging. Trying and testing something new that helps our readers is also a good practice to create a great readership.
Hey Erik,
You have a great list here on creating a successful blog. Out of all the tips, #1,#3, and #4 really resonated with me.
When I first started blogging, I was pretty lost myself. I was in network marketing, but I was more interested in the online marketing aspect above anything else. This would including blogging and generating traffic and leads. So I put it all together and decided to just focus on that than the products and services that comes with network marketing. As a result, I started getting better results.
Number #3 is a big deal! You want people to follow you and know what you’re about. Being everywhere within your niche does attract attention. And when you have a hosted website that makes it even better. When people see on social media and on different blogs within a specific niche, they conjures interest! This leads to building an audience! They say the money is within the list and if you have a dedicated list that resonates with you well, then that’s when the money starts rolling in! You scratch their backs and they’ll eventually scratch yours!
When your audience leaves comments on your blog and you respond to them, this builds engagement. This is what attracts search engines which gives them a reason why they should rank you high and send traffic your way. Also it builds social proof. When others see all the comments on your blog, this also in turn draws curiosity!
Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
Hi Erik
It is rightly said to establish a blog is not that much difficult as it is to manage it and put quality in it to ultimately make money with it.
If a person doesn’t have clear concept of money blogging he can develop a good showcase to display very attractive things but can not sell them because basically he doesn’t know how to sell.
There are two types of people in professional world. One are those who can sell and the otherone are those who make others sell. The first type is of marketers and second type is of managers. So being a blogger one must know how to sell. Here selling doesn’t means simply selling the products. It does mean to sell the ideas, value, quality, image, impression at the price of loyalty and subscription. Then finally the stage comes where you sell your products or offer them premium membership of your categories.
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post that is a complete tutorial to establish a blog for making money.
Hello Erik,
You are right, All the point are very important for new blogger. Now a days build audience is very difficult but If we cooperate with other. we can build lots of audience to our blog.
Most of point that we should follow already described.
but this techniques beneficial in blogger niche. For other Niche SEO is best Techniques to get visitor directly from search engine.
Really inspiring article. I liked the last point ” Never Give Up”. I think, it is the most important factor that everyone should possess to get succeed in life. I started blogging with an intention to make money. But my primary goals are providing quality content and building traffic, then comes money. Thank you again for sharing this. Keep doing this.
Great post Erik. Mentioned lot more points on blogging tips. I agree that many people lose their hopes if not done blogging in a right way. For those people, this post helps a lot to earn more profits online.
They should first set business goals and reach their targeted audience to promote brand awareness. Simple mistakes will spoil entire blogging work.
Hi Erik,
Once again good post published !!! Awesome eight tips for successful blog. The third tip is really being difficult for me to bring attention to my blog. Since I’m new to this blogosphere , I’m bit struggling to make it happen.
I won’t give up ( last point ) is well encouraging thought for me !!!
Thank you very much for sharing a helpful post in need
Enthusiastic blogger – siva
It’s a real slog getting a new blog off the ground. Thanks for the encouragement that I’m doing things right.
Hi Erik,
In initially states all points are important, to select a perfect niche and knowledge about that particular niche,
and second important things is enable comments or where we engaged different authors and views.
Thanks for shared and I really enjoyed to reading this post.
Hey Erik,
Great post Indeed!
All points are basic that improving of knowledge with our blog, thanks of sharing an impressive and informative information, and one of the best point to select niche where knowledge is more in mind, it’s easy way grow of our blog.
In from are course in article and posting with blog submission so thank you.