For the modern marketer, the question isn’t whether or not to blog, but rather how often. The benefits of blogging are clearer than ever, from 67% more leads to businesses that blog to increased likelihood of building links. Content marketing remains one of the most cost effective means of building your audience; however, how can businesses hope to see their message break … [Read more...]
6 Creative Ways To Survey Your Customers
One of the great ways to obtain feedback from your customers is to survey them. You can do this in a number of ways, and you’ve got to be careful with how you do it. Surveying them in an intrusive manner can sometimes to lead to dissatisfaction on their part. However, carrying out a survey in the correct way will be extremely beneficial for your company moving forward. … [Read more...]
Why It’s Easier To Succeed With Lead Generation Than You Might Think
You will no doubt spend a lot of time (and money) on your marketing campaigns. The goal of those strategies, of course, is to generate new leads. We all know that marketing leads are a crucial element of helping to grow any business. The trouble is, we sometimes run out of ideas on the best ways to generate those leads. Does that sound like a familiar problem to you? If … [Read more...]
Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About Your Online Presence
If you own a business, then I have a piece of advice for you; get online. Bring your company into the modern era and start building an online presence. Now, there are a lot of small businesses that don’t think about this. They assume it’s something that only big companies need to be wary of. Bearing that in mind, I’ve written some reasons why you should spend more time … [Read more...]
Why You Should Start An International Digital Marketing Strategy Now
This is a guest contribution by Charles Dearing What kind of business cannot benefit from digital marketing? These days, something as rudimentary as farming can enjoy the opportunity of experiencing better returns when brought to the online marketing realm. In short, if you own a business, you have to seriously think about digital marketing. According to … [Read more...]
What are the qualities of good UI Design tools?
UI refers to the user interface which is the most important part of any website or a designed product. It determines how the user can get what is intended from the program. But the manual design process of UI is a pain taking process which is time consuming and there is a great probability for getting some flaws in the design. This is why professionals are making the use … [Read more...]
3 Cunning Small Business Marketing Ideas
(Image by geralt: Small businesses will often fail because they aren’t marketed properly. Lots of owners don’t understand that just because your business is small, it doesn’t mean you can ignore your marketing efforts. Today, I’ve got three cunning ideas that will market your business effectively: (Picture Credit: … [Read more...]
Steps for Effectively Marketing Your Products or Services through Social Media
Social media has opened the door on a completely new type of marketing. Social media is interactive and personal. It allows businesses to connect directly with real people who could become paying customers. Here are some steps for effectively marketing your products or services through social media. Personalize Your Social Media Pages The first step is to … [Read more...]
Five Creative Marketing Methods To Catch Their Attention
Marketing. It’s perhaps the part of the business that the most thought and web pages of advice has been devoted to. That’s because we all share the need for it. We live in an age where attention spans are shorter and getting it can be costly. If you don’t have the funding to bombard your potential clients with advertisements from every side, you may need to think of a … [Read more...]
Amazing Techniques That Smart Marketers Will Use
If you want to be a smart marketer you’re going to need to use several different strategies to promote your business. It’s important that you always look for ways of improving the brand and helping to drive it forward. And the best way of achieving this is to make sure you use plenty of marketing techniques to get there. There are so many of these techniques that you can … [Read more...]