Recently, I found lots of blogs with high quality content, but only a few readers. No matter how nice the content is, but no comments at all.
Besides offering high quality posts on your blog, you also need to spread your blog and posts sparing no efforts.
There are 3 tricks to promote your blog, attract new readers and boost your traffic.
1. Social Media
As a global social network, Facebook has a large portion of your blog audience, but how to attract these potential readers to your blog, you should follow the below tips.
Register Your Own Facebook Page
There is nothing need to explain, just go to Facebook home page, register, and set profiles.
There is one search box at the top of Facebook, where you can search for people, places and things at your will.
You’d better look for your familiar people first, and then you will have a brief understanding of how to operate Facebook.
Add Friends on Facebook
After you have been familiar with Facebook basic functions, and you have already added your friends and family, it is time to dig those people who are your blog target audience and other bloggers.
Please don’t add friends in spam way, or else you will be forbidden by Facebook.
Share Posts on Facebook
You have added some people who are interested in you niche, and then you should share every post with these Facebook friends.
Of course, if you offer value added content, your friends will share to their own Facebook, gradually, more and more people will add you friend and pay attention to your Facebook news.
When come to Linkedin, my favorite part is Linkedin Group. There are lots of professional groups, such as SEO, SEM, Make Money Online, Social Media and Copywriting, etc.
You can join in any group you want, and share your content, besides, you can learn from others. Numbers of great minds in each group, they will share valuable experience every day.
How to Get New Readers with Linkedin
First, join in your niche related Linkedin Groups, and then share your writing with every group.
If your writing is attractive, others will “like” it. You can also share others post, and like it, or leave a comment.
Meanwhile, you can follow other great minds, and you will be followed by others.
2. Q&A Sites
Whatever your blog topic is, there must be helpful to a group people.
Questions & Answers sites will provide you this kind of target readers.
Two popular Q&A sites are :
– ;
We are all familiar with Yahoo Answer, where we can submit any questions, and get answer in short time.
How to Find Questions
Type your content related keywords or phrases in to search box, and click “Newest” under the box , you will get the newest questions, and then provide valuable answers.
The most important thing for attracting new readers for your blog is leaving URL in “Sources” box.
Be careful, don’t spam, or Yahoo will kill you.
3. Join in Forums
You may already have known popular forums related to your niche, if not, Google will help you, type:
“keyword inurl:forum”
(keyword stands for your niche related keywords or phrase).
First, just register 5 or 10 influential forums, keep active, offer value added information, leave your URL when is necessary, not spam, you will get massive readers for your blog.
To make your blog more successful, you should keep on providing high quality content, and find your target audience, and then share posts with them.
Valuable content and proper promotion are two secretes to attract new readers for your blog.
What do you think?
Any other hints to get more readers to your blog?
Please share your tips in the comments below, thanks!
Very Good informative article. I am also new to blogging and recently started blogging on personal finance ( which will educate about financial planning to the new and young investors. I am also facing the problem in reaching my website to people. I will follow your steps to increase my website traffic.
Hello Erik,
Very nice!
I am just utlizing FaceBook page, FaceBook sharing in groups and my own profile, and social media sharing on multiple social sites.
I haven’t been into LinkedIn groups to share the posts there. Seems like would be a great experience as you mentioned.
Quora was success with my first experimental post which gave me some clicks. Yahoo! Answer seems kinda tricky but will sure give it a try very soon.
For forums, you know I just utilize once forum which is Aha!NOW. It is more than a success because of the targeted visitors who are bloggers. A share from them leads into multiple people coming in.. 🙂
Thank you for the post! I am noting down the tips in my hand diary! 🙂
See me often!
~ Adeel Sami
Hello Ravikumar,
Thanks for your this article.Really good one. But I want few more…You know Twitter is also a social media network with also mini blogging platform.. And Google plus is also important for Google ranking…I hope, you will do your next article about Twitter marketing 🙂
Happy blogging.Have. a good weekend 🙂
Hello Erik, Opps Sorry. Actually last night i was reading from Mobile that’s why i made a mistake. BTW, you really did a great job.
Hey Erik,
I am here from ABC community and I need this type of post at present because my blog have no new readers.And after read the post i think these are the best ways for this.Thanks for sharing.,
Great post, Erik!
Might I add if you create a Facebook Group, it helps you build a Community of Readers. I don’t get nearly the interaction on my FB page that I do the Group. Definitely keeps my readers connected.
Hi Erik
I must say that you list practical ways to get new readers in a blog. You are right and it is an excellent idea to create a page in Facebook. Although, I wonder if the recent algorithm change in Facebook will not affect organic traffic on Social Media
Linkedin is another place to post a link and joining a group will help you share your post. Thanks for sharing. Have a swell week.
Hi Erik
Sorry for the late reply. I was trying to say that posts on FB pages don’t bring as much readers as FB groups. I might used the wrong term (algorithm ).
One of the most effective tools in attracting new readers for your blog is social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and many others are great traffic provider. But when it comes to using social media as your tool, post, picture and link should be high quality and eye-catching. Using the best words in posting is also important to consider. is my favorite when it comes to Q&A Sites. It is a great answer and idea provider.
Hello eric sir
Thank you so much for providing different ways to increase traffic and new readers on our blog.
Although I am getting decent traffic on Facebook and Google+, but I will definitely try groups mentioned on Linkedin to get more readers.
thank you for your awesome post!!!!
Some nice tips here, Erik! Being new to the whole marketing thing, I definitely stand to learn a lot about social media in particular.
Nice write-up!
Hi Erik,
I am one of those who gets very few comments now and I like to think my posts are good! It’s strange because I used to get comments but I was getting a lot more traffic then. My traffic dropped considerably when Google changed it’s algorithms although I am slowly building it up again.
I was invited to join a Facebook commenting group recently specifically for the health and self improvement niche bloggers and got a few comments that way however it has died a death in the last few weeks as the members have left for one reason or another.
I do all the other things you mention but I have never done a lot in LinkedIn so perhap I should give that a try. And of course I’ve just joined Aha! Now community and hope to get some comments from the members.
Nice post I guess, Well you have shared some brilliant points on how to attract readers. Will make a note of all these tips.
These are some great ways to attract readers to your blog. Social media can be a big influence to how much traffic you are bringing in, so you want to grow your social media following as much as you can. You should write quality, valuable posts so your content has more of a chance of going viral on the internet, The more shares the better. Another big way to bring in readers is through search engines, which is a lot harder to do, but pays of big time. I recently just started quora, and it has helped a lot., Great post!