By now, we all understand the power of social media. If you thought Facebook would slowly fade away and die, you were wrong!
Social media is growing more powerful than ever. It’s now an ingrained part of our life, and it’s here to stay.
That’s why your business needs a social media strategy. No matter what industry you’re a part of, social media can help.
Building a community and engaging with customers is the best way to start building a business. It may not seem conventional to experienced business people, but trust us, it really works.
Starting from scratch isn’t easy. In fact, it’s incredibly frustrating. But, social media will ultimately allow you to increase your business.
So, we’re here to give you that push in the right direction.
Set goals
A lot of people approach social media without much planning and thought. That’s your first big mistake! You wouldn’t commission an advert without setting goals first, would you?
You wouldn’t build a website or sell your product without strict goals. So, don’t set up your social media channels without one.
What do you want to achieve from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
Is it designed to increase sales?
Do you simply want further brand recognition?
Set social media goals, and make sure you hit your targets.
Decide what channels are right for you
There are now more social media channels than ever. It can seem overwhelming, but just remember, you don’t need to master them all.
Instead, start with one or two that are most appropriate to your goals and your target audience. We asked the team at for some advice on where to start.
They said that fashion sites tend to have more success through Instagram and Pinterest than Facebook.
They also told us that news and media sites would see better results from Twitter than any other platform. Choose the channel that fits your demographic, and focus your attention there.
Develop a content strategy
Social media revolves around content. Without it, the platforms would fall apart at the seams. Log onto Facebook or Twitter, and your feed is full of content.
Photos, videos and articles dominate our timelines. To create a strong social media presence, you need to add value to this stream of content.
What can you use to generate the interest of your followers?
What will encourage shares and engagement?
Social media is nothing without content, so make yours count.
Analyse and adapt
To create a truly powerful social media strategy, you must be willing to adapt. Constantly monitor the statistics and response to your social media campaigns.
Take note of what’s working, and lose the techniques that don’t. When it comes to social media statistics, we all tend to focus on volume.
Number of likes on Facebook, number of followers on Twitter. While this is fine, don’t forget about engagement.
How many people are actively interacting with you on these platforms?
That’s the true measure of success.
How many are clicking through to your website?
How many are writing comments or replies?
How many are sharing or retweeting your status?
Follow these steps, and you’ll create a powerful online presence in no time at all.
Have we missed anything crucial?
Let us know in the comments!