It’s frustrating when you spend hours crafting wonderful content. You fill it full of great insights, useful tips, and lots of photos.
Finally, you hit publish, but nothing happens. You might get a trickle of visitors, but it mostly lies unseen. It’s often demoralizing and disheartening.
If this is something you’ve experienced, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Every blogger has been through this. When you’re just getting started, it’s not easy to get visitors on your site.
After all, there are 2 million blog posts written and published every day. It takes something special to cut through. Let’s take a look at how you can make an impact.
Step up your website promotion
If you’ve mastered the writing stage, you’ve done half the work. But, blogging is more than just writing, it’s the entire promotional aspect.
After all, if no-one reads a blog, does it really exist? It’s time to start thinking about your website promotion. What steps can you take to get your website in front of more eyes?
Start thinking about SEO
Did you know that 70% of people using Google never go past the first page? 30% click on the very first link on the page.
If you can get your blog onto the first page of results, you’re going to see an enormous traffic boost. That means turning your attention to SEO, or search engine optimization.
It’s a series of tweaks that make your site more visible to Google’s algorithm. When writing your blogs, think carefully about the keywords you use in the title and content.
Encourage others to link back to your blog too. This will all help you improve your Google presence.
Build a social media presence
Social media is the best way to share your content, and get it in front of lots of people. The bigger your reach on Facebook and Twitter, the more readers you’ll find.
It’s not always easy to build up a following from scratch, but take the time to target the right audience. Use Twitter to engage with other people in your niche.
Offer advice, and start connections. They’ll follow you back, and slowly you’ll generate more readers and followers.
Come up with intriguing titles
The hardest thing about blogging is fighting among the crowd. There are so many blogs out there, you need to do something different to stand out.
One of the best ways to do this is with a catchy title. By creating something intriguing or compelling, it makes people want to click onto your site.
Think long and hard about the best way to attract readers with a good title.
Guest blogging
If you’re still having no luck with visitors, try writing a guest blog or two. You’ll get exposure on a much larger blog, and direct visitors straight back to you.
This practice also helps build your SEO profile, and establishes you as an expert in the industry.
It takes time to build a loyal audience and respectable blog.
Start with these tricks, and you’ll slowly start to see results.
One thing that I have found is if you create blog posts around current trends or pop culture there is a much higher engagement rate. I recently wrote a controversial blog post about a popular reality tv show and tied it in with the theme of my blog. I then went and spent $10 to promote it to fans of the show on Facebook and the audience of the show couldn’t help themselves. I ended up with over 75 comments on the post and started ranking in Google for a ton of the show related phrases. Definitely a good way to make a splash.