If you have finally decided to convert to 21st century business marketing strategies or you are a start-up then you may be looking for a bit of advice in getting started. Do you want to hear the good news? Okay, well setting up a website doesn’t have to cost a fortune and it is become much easier than it was historically.
Gone are the days when you needed to bring in a web designer and pay thousands to get your site up and running. Yes, people do still turn to web developers for high quality, bespoke websites but it is not a necessity. With a basic understanding of some of the main principles and limited techie skills, you too could launch a website!
There are even a few different options for you to explore. From free web hosting solutions to get a basic website with your contact details out there, to all-encompassing ecommerce sites that generate thousands of sales a day. If you are looking at doing this for the first time, we will assume that you are not setting huge expectations of your website at this stage.
What you will probably have gathered though, is that if you don’t have a good business website, you are not giving your business a good chance of competing with your rival companies. When you look at the statistics, there are few successful businesses left that haven’t turned to getting their own website set up yet. So if you are playing catch up, it is probably a good idea that you invest a bit of time and effort in this area. The end result could make a huge difference to the success of your business!
We talked about free web hosting and this is an option but for businesses, it is not always the best solution. Of course, things that are free are something for nothing but you have to take the full digital marketing strategy into account before you decide whether it is an option.
Factors that you need to take into consideration include whether you will need a decent amount of storage space. Free hosting is very limited in that area so if you started producing regular content you may find that you suddenly get to a point where that space has been used up and you can’t upload anything else.
Also, many of the free hosting providers will use your website to display ads, as a way of generating money for their company. What is it they say about there is no such thing as a free meal? There are ways and means of them making money out of this ‘free service’, whether that is through ads or through the website owner realising they need to upgrade. Many people, who opt for the free hosting services without understanding fully what they are getting into, can start to regret their choice.
The reason behind this is that they invest hours, days and weeks of their time to build up content on their website and then a bit later on they realise that they could have had something better or they need a bit (or a lot) more. By that time, the content has been created and uploaded and unless you simply upgrade to another plan with the same host, you may have to start all over again from the very beginning.
It is recommended that you look at what shared hosting packages have to offer, as this could be a better option for a small business. You can find really good shared hosting plans from just a few pounds per month.
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