Affiliate marketing is another form of selling. As affiliate all you need is to find costumers to buy products through your recommendations. In this case, there are only one ways to succeed your affiliate promotion campaign. Your promotional content need to be easily visible. Many said this is one of the easiest form of make money online besides publish banner ads but not … [Read more...]
What You Need To Know About Performance Marketing
Performance marketing activity is focused on result and sales increasing. It’s main feature is an option to see an exact quantity index on every stage of work that indicates results of each marketing branch, for example, cost of a website visitor, call, order, final cost of the client who bought and, of course, Return of Marketing Investment. One should understand that it … [Read more...]
What’s the Future for Print and Digital Methods Working Together?
In today’s digital age and over reliance on all things digital, where exactly does print marketing fit into the equation? In 2019 and beyond, is print slowly losing its power or, is there a possibility of blurring the lines and seeing the two mediums work together? Hold that thought and let’s explore the facts in the guide below… Today, campaigns are dominated by … [Read more...]
A-Z Glossary of Online Marketing Terms
Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management dashboard software … [Read more...]
Print Vs Email Marketing — Which Is More Powerful?
It’s undeniable that our world is becoming more focused on digital — but that doesn’t mean it prevails. All around the world businesses are using email as one of their main focus areas for brand awareness and getting their product in front of consumers. However, it’s crucial to understand the thought process of the consumer, and this is often a challenge. Here, with Direct … [Read more...]
Why You Need a Marketing Workflow (Infographic)
Infographic brought to you by Wrike software development project management tools: … [Read more...]
Ways to Improve Your Marketing Strategy
However well you have planned your marketing campaigns and online drives, there may still be times when your audience reach and interaction is not as high as you would like. There are many different reasons for this, some of which are well-hidden, and these can often be easily fixed with a few simple checks. If you are still struggling to connect with your target audience, … [Read more...]
How To Write A Successful Marketing Plan
A business plan is a given when you are starting a new business. Every business owner should know that they need one, and they should certainly spend plenty of time doing their research and writing this all-important plan. It is what will be used to secure funding, and it is a step by step guide to growing the business in the right way. However, what many business owners … [Read more...]
Reasons That Make Product Packaging A Marketing Imperative
Product promotion is being widely recognized as one of the key parameters of the marketing mix today. After all, you cannot sell anything unless your potential buyer knows about it. Though promotion has always been associated with advertising, product packaging has emerged as the innovative promotional tool in the recent years. Something that is packaged attractively is more … [Read more...]
5 Tips For A Better Instagram
It’s a crowded field out there, but with social media tools aplenty and various ways to reach and appeal to your desired audience, it’s about playing the game right. Since it’s inception as a purely photographic social media app, up until it’s status now as one of the most used and most profitable social media sites there is, Instagram has become arguably the most powerful top … [Read more...]