As you progress, as an internet marketer, you should be looking to promote your site and yourself. There are a number of different ways that you can do this. A lot of this will depend on what you are trying to promote. It differs slightly, depending on what type of business you are in, but at the end of the day we are all trying to get the message across. 10 … [Read more...]
Increase CTR of Your Campaign in a Few Moves
The famous acronym, "click- through rate", can be considered a nightmare by some advertisers, but there are several ways to improve it. Over the years, statistics have shown that having the CTR of your campaign at 2% is considered a huge success, which means two people out of a hundred clicking on your banner. In 2012 AdGooroo, a consulting company on the web, has … [Read more...]
5 Ideas to do Effective Local Marketing
Many entrepreneurs invest time and resources in marketing activities that increase visibility, but they do not have actually an adequate economic return. However, there are some strategies for successful marketing that can be put in place especially when it comes to promoting a business of a local nature. In general, you have to focus on networking with other activities … [Read more...]
Twittiquette: 10 Tips to Be a Successful Twitter User
Twitter - like any other social network - is a place where users are (or at least, should be) real people. Here you interact and engage, establishing and maintaining relationships. You market yourself or your brand! This kind of community is regulated by the rules of good manners , respect and good conduct. A sort of etiquette, that at the time of internet takes the name of … [Read more...]