What topic can I make money writing about?
It’s a question that many internet bloggers have or will ask themselves when they decide to become a professional blogger.
I mean it’s a valid question that has plagued many bloggers.
Picking the right niche is essential to finding success online.
In order to build up your followers you must determine if your writing for the right crowd or not.
Here are 4 thoughts that can help you come to a clear conclusion.
1. Your Building List is Struggling
When you start your blog one of the first things you will need to do is build a list of followers.
There are a variety of ways to build your audience from social media, rss feeds, and even email marketing.
Initially you can expect your list to be pretty low when first starting out.
However, after a while if your list continues to be in the same stagnant position you might have some rethinking to do.
2. You Are Not Becoming Well Known in Your Niche Community
If no one is commenting on your blog, visiting your site, or becoming a regular visitor on your social media websites, then you are not becoming a vocal personality within your niche community.
I would say that within the first six months if you have not gained at least 100 or more followers then you might not be on the right track.
3. You’re Not Making Any Money
So you have finally started your blog and you have monetized it.
Have you done all the imperative procedures to enhance your site to become as profitable as possible?
If you have done this and you still cannot make money you have a problem on your hands.
I knew a guy who had a blog that ran for six months.
He did everything he possibly could but after 6 months he only made 20 bucks.
Keep in mind his niche was in the science niche which is not exactly the cash cow of the internet.
But my point is that you should see the fruits of your labor if your niche kicks ass.
4. You Hate Your Niche
There are plenty of people who get into blogging only for the wrong reasons such as the money factor.
Now I will be honest most bloggers do get into blogging for the money.
However this is not our only reason for diving into internet blogging.
One of the primary reasons why we blog is a general interest in the things we promote and vocalize on our websites.
If you hate writing about your chosen topic you will burn out faster that a fat man in the 100 yard dash.
If you want to keep your blog fresh find an interesting topic that you are passionate about.
A little tip you can use for choosing you topic is asking yourself :
[box type=”info”] What is the one thing I talk to my friends about for long periods of time. If it’s sports then write a sports blog. If it’s cars do one on the car industry.[/box]
In conclusion, do what you have to in order to create the best chances of success.
Pick the niche that’s right for you and you will definitely succeed in the blogging world.
What do you think?
Any suggestion to add?
Please let me know in the comments below, thanks!
I’ve read several articles about the experiences of different bloggers that they have to go to another niche where their goals, products and services fits the best. I can also consider that as a wrong niche if you don’t feel enough success or your blog is under pressure. It’s going to be tough to stay in a place that has so many hitches or what. If you are smart or wise, you could also make a decision such as switching a niche.
However, you should also dig in the right hitch to the right problems by considering the signs you gave here with us. That’s going to be useful and helpful. Thanks for the share!
Yes, to create the best chances of success in blogging, it is important that we do what have to. The signs that we don’t do well in a particular niche are not far fetched.
Obviously,when others are not showing interest in your blog then it is possible we are not doing the right thing.
Having said that, I completely support the 4 signs shared here. A stand out sign to look out for is if visitors are not following you after a period of time!
In kingged.com, this article was shared for Internet marketers, and I have left the above comment after reading the post.
Sunday – kingged.com contributor
Thanks for sharing this post
These signs are worth notable while blogging.
Since most of them do not care on this aspect and generalize
things and write on different subject, that do not fetch much fruits
I think i am on that line, i need to concentrate on a particular niche
Thanks Erik for this alert post
Surely this post is an alert to many newbies who are in search of
some solid goal. For such people this five signs will be a pointer
Best Regards
~ Philip
I found this post at kingged.com and kingged it and posted this comment there
Thanks again for this great signs pointers!
That is a bang on article, it happens with many blogger who just start their journey with a popular niche for the sake of it, only to see no results.
These four check list will ensure that the blogger stays in the correct niche to profit the readers and self.
The ultimate aim is to grow and give the readers satisfaction.
Thanks for enlightening many, this will ensure blogging will be more profitable when one does it in right niche.
Anyway, I found this on kingged.
Although the four points are true, other factors may play a big part, such as not blogging enough, or not in the correct way.
Hi Erik,
I do agree with you. You must have passion for blogging. It is useless to enter this blogosphere only for money. Money can’t be the only thing you want to achieve from blogging. As a blogger I would suggest to all newbie bloggers that whatever topic you choose for writing make sure you should have depth knowledge in it.
I’ve recently read a blog post that discussed how you could earn money from a niche blog. What’s the connection of that thing to this post? Well, I’ve realized that in order to become successful and to make money online through blogging, you should be passionate in what you are doing.
Niche blog could bring you money and success, so it is important that you choose that right niche for your blog.
The signs given in the article above are all factual. As what is said in the article above, you could know that you are writing for a wrong niche if your list building is struggling, if you are ignored in your niche community, if you’re not making money and obviously, if you hate your niche.
If you notice these signs in your own site, then you should consider changing for the better.
By the way, I found this post shared on Kingged.com
As you stated in last point like “hating your niche”, if this is the situation, then its time to take a brake and rethink whether to keep blogging in that niche or not.
Speaking truly, Before being a good blogger, one has to be passionate about that particular niche so that he/she can play well in that particular domain for a long time. Blogging is more of a passion to explore particular niche than anything else.
Once you identify what thing you can do best, you will surely do wonderful in that field. You need to update your skills, learning and knowledge from time to time in that field too.
Further, as you mentioned money making in blogging. Well, its all about how you present things via blogging and how valuable are your services for people. If you are really providing value to your readers, you are sure to get rewards in the form of product sales, service sales, Ad space sale (On high traffic blogs) etc.
Anyways, thanks for sharing the thoughts.
You could be right Erik. But here I wanted to say that if in any Niche you are not succesfull then chances are that you are doing something wrong. May be you donot love what you are doing or you are not following the right path(right way) of doing whatever you are doing.
There are people that are making millions in the same Niche, one might not be making a single penny. Hope you got it.
I’ve discussed such a thing in one of my recent blog post, “How Niche blogging can generate a lot of profits”. I hope you will check it out and Share it, if you find it useful. Thanks
Hello Erik !!
Am so happy you have mentioned something like this.
Let me add this to what you have already, it is very important you go for something that makes you happy, it is insanely bad to know what is bad for you and still you go for that..
As a blogger, you are a human, you have interest, hobby .. this are basically the things that makes you happy.. Just go for that.. It could be that you are knowledge and a fun of fashion, you can probably go for fashion as a niche..
The consequence of picking a niche not of interest to you is a drop out of blogging (race or school)… thanks for sharing this man !!
Hi Erik,
Thank you for sharing such wonderful information.
As I read in above comment. In which she says. Choose those Niche that you have depth knowledge.
If we have not full information about those niche, we can not famous in that. and can not achieve our goal.
Hi There!
I love blogging and I don’t mind trying different topics. You see I have passion for multiple things but my weight loss blog and relationship blog were mistakes. Reason for this was surprise.
You see before I was very interested in these topics but today… I believe in self-acceptance that is why having for example weight loss blog wasn’t for me. In my opinion people know what to do and how to live healthy life, they just don’t do it.
It is more important to accept yourself the way you are and love yourself first. Then you become healthy.
Relationship blog didn’t work for me because I didn’t feel like giving people relationship advice.
But I wrote more about accepting yourself and others with their flaws and everything, giving people a chance and so on.
I personally have family sometimes all is good, sometimes we have fights. Writing about for example dating wouldn’t be relevant to me personally and writing about some fighting…naah.
These were my examples of blogs I tried to start but couldn’t really work on them.
PS. Blog I linked is not ready yet..I do have a lots of content..just need to add it in relevant order 🙂
I totally agree that you need to love your niche. Perhaps my biggest mistake though was deciding on my blogs without investigating all aspects of monetising that niche first, and just going with my instinct that the topics are interesting, popular and passions of mine. I always intended on monetising through peripheral products and affiliate links, so it didn’t seem important, but maybe I’ll regret that one day. 🙂