As you progress, as an internet marketer, you should be looking to promote your site and yourself.
There are a number of different ways that you can do this.
A lot of this will depend on what you are trying to promote.
It differs slightly, depending on what type of business you are in, but at the end of the day we are all trying to get the message across.
10 Ways to Improve Your Online Visibility
1 . Get your social media pages up and running
This is the way that you will be able to interact with your customers.
Have Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook buttons on your website and try and update your pages on a daily basis.
This is one of the best ways that you can develop branding for your site.
2 . Remember, content is king
Don’t write for the search engines.
Google is too clever and they will hunt you down.
You should be writing valuable content for your readers.
Ask yourself if you would gain something from reading one of your posts.
3 . Have an email signature to identify yourself
This helps increase your professionalism.
4 . Gone are the days of hiding behind the computer
You have to meet your cutomers face to face.
Have your phone number on your website.
This is a must if you are running a service.
5 . Optimize your website in the most effective way
This means staying away from hundreds of cheap links and hunting down links with lots of page rank.
You will find that guest posting is a great way to go.
If you can write a killer post on a high PR site then both parties will be able to benefit.
6 . Your on-page optimatization also needs to be worked on
It doesn’t mean that you just have to have really good content, but you also have to have titles and headers that are relevant.
Make sure you are not stuffing your keywords in your posts.
It is also important to take note of the way you interlink your posts.
You should maintain an even balance with this.
Don’t link to pages just for the sake of it because it can be annoying and Google will spot this.
7 . Use webinars to draw in more traffic and increase your visibility
This is proving to be more successful.
There are simple tools that you can use for this.
Make sure you advertise these events on your site or send out and email to your subscribers.
Make it interesting by interviewing someone relevant or inviting a guest speaker.
8 . Email marketing is a great way to draw in subscribers
Don’t force your readers to sign up and don’t spam them either.
You could offer them something like a free e-book if they sign up.
This is perfectly acceptable.
9 . Don’t forget to measure and analyze your results with Google analytics or something similar
This will tell you what you need to do more of and what you need to focus on less.
10 . Attract attention with a Youtube channel
This is a fairly simple way to draw in more people because you can build links to the videos as well.
Video marketing has proven to work its magic for years so it is definitely worth experimenting with this.
What do you think?
Can you add something else to increase online visibility?
Please share your comments in the section below, thanks!
Good points. Just the other day I was reading a blogpost where a blogger was being interviewed about when they made their first $1000 online. The author noted that she started to make money once she started writing for her audience rather than for google. Now, it is not all about the money, but I do believe that if we write for our audience, they will bookmark your blog and come back for more because you have something interesting to say.
This is very important, writing for your audience, and NOT for search engines.
I appreciate your visit and comment here, thanks!
When it comes to online visibility, the first thing that comes to my mind is social media sites! Glad to see it mentioned at the top itself! 🙂 Having cool social media pages and profiles and some good social buttons will help for sure.
Content as always, is the king and it is all set to remain so! 🙂 Content defines us and good content helps build good reputation, which is crucial, when it comes to online visibility.
Making use of webinars is something that I haven’t really given much thought about. But looking at its potential, I guess that it is something to be exploited!
I found the link to this article on Kingged.
Hi Arun,
thanks a lot for your comment and visit!
Yes, at the end of the day we all want to get the message across. Emploring social media, content marketing, and proper optimization of sites help to increase their visibility.
Taking steps to apply each effectively will help to give the required exposures.
I shared this comment in – the content syndication and social marketing website where this post was found.
Sunday – contributor
That’s right, Sunday.
Thanks for your comment.
Everything everywhere. Diversify strategy as much as possible and of course analyse the traffic.
Online visibility is important. It is the way for you to be noticed by the people in the online world.
As what I’ve read in the article shared above, there are many ways on how to improve your online presence.
I’ve learned here that you can use webinars to draw in more traffic and increase your visibility. There are tools available in the market that can help you out in this matter. Also, you should optimize your website in the most effective way, leave cheap links and go for guest posting.
The rest of the tips shared are all proven effective.
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
By the way, I found this post shared on
Hi Ann,
thanks for reading the article and sharing your views here! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Great content.Thanks for sharing the above tips.The tips are really very helpful for improving the online visibility of my site.I like the number 8 point,I also agree that email marketing is a good medium for attracting readers.
Hello Poulami Ghosh,
thanks for taking the time to read and comment,
appreciate it!
Hello Erik !
I love the fact that you carried out the truth in a simple understandable tune.. Visibility is very important as a web-master.. because it gives your work a proper online exposure and increase chances of meeting business potentials..
The steps you have outlined here are very important and should be given an optimum consideration !! Thanks for sharing….
Hi Erik,
well, this is one of the first posts I visit from, thanks for the suggestion.
However, as for your post, it is very important for anyone trying to do business online to get as much exposure as possible and to increase their own visibility. You make some great points here how this can be achieved.
It is important to not focus on a couple of channels only, but to make use of as many as possible to maximize results.