The dream of every blogger is to have a successful site, getting many visitors and comments.
You are looking to increase your audience and discover new ways to make traffic.
Here’s a list of 10 evergreen tips to improve your blog.
1. Write About What YOU Know Well
Actually, you should already have done this, when you have chosen the topic for your blog.
Write about things you have mastered: the sense is that the argument should coincide with one of your passions.
Even better, if you find a topic that match with some particular niche, with low competition.
2. Write More Than Quality Content
This is always the best tip to follow: in addition to writing about things you know, write posts really useful to visitors.
Be original: do not copy content from other sites.
Be different: try to write about something new, if you can. Or try to be the first one.
Use internal links to increase user experience: when you write new posts, include at least one internal link to your high-quality old posts.
3. Follow the High Experts in YOUR Niche
Visit the blogs of famous and popular experts in your niche. Find out what topics are hot and which are obsolete (you can use also Google Trends to find out what is trending right now in the internet).
Leave constructive comments, with backlinks to your best posts.
Build friendships in your niche.
Be sure to learn the best from them and try also to give something.
4. Update YOUR Blog Often
Create new content often, or at least try to write on a scheduled basis, that match with your duties.
Work or your time possibilities.
The visitors like the freshness of the content of a blog. Also Google, with its Caffeine update, like the Freshness!
So this will be a reward also in search engines terms with an increase of your online traffic.
Write at least a couple of posts a week (or more if you can). But try just to be consistent.
Create posts with lists: people like useful articles like “10 Free Tools to Boost Your Blog Power” or “6 Ways to Make More Money Online”.
5. Insert Images in YOUR Posts
Adding images in a post makes a more effective communication of your message.
I always include one or more pictures in my articles, depending on how long they are.
Remember to optimize images with SEO techniques: use your keywords in the description, and take care of the alt text or tags.
Be sure to choose relevant pictures, that match the content.
In addition to your posts, the optimized images can position itself in searches for images and become an indirect source of traffic.
6. Choose a Simple Site Layout
The simpler, the better.
Your blog should have a nice layout and usable for visitors. Therefore, no complex design or graphics confusing.
Choose a layout simple and clear.
Here I list also three things that you should AVOID:
– any unnecessary or excessive use of coding on a page;
– any use of JavaScript’s in the content area;
– any use of flash objects on your site.
I have chosen Genesis Framework ( highly customizable and awesome design): it’s wonderful if you want to have a professional looking blog or if you just want to differentiate from the most part of traditional available free WordPress templates.
7 Hold Down the Weight of the Pages
Watch the weight of your pages : also Google judges the value of your site, counting upload time.
The loading time of your blog should be fast enough, in a way to not bore your visitors (you can try this Free tool from Google, to check this out and get insights on how to improve your site).
Consider that 1 second loading time is quite fast, 3 is normal and more than 6-7 seconds is considered extremely slow!
You can follow some easy tips, like resize the images before publishing them in your post and install the WordPress plugin WP Super Cache.
8. Reply to Comments on YOUR Blog
Interact with visitors of your blog: respond to their comments.
Increase the engagement with your readers, build an online community.
Use the ReplyMe feature, included in the “Premium CommentLuv” Plugin : it sends an email to author automatically while someone reply to his comment.
You should then answer to all “smart comments”, in order to enhance conversation.
Even better, you may add sometimes a question to your readers: you should be surprised of the nice help you may receive!
9. Back up Your Site
With so many hackers and the chance to lose your hard work all at once, you need to have an automated website backup service like Hostpapa.
10. Interview Bloggers in YOUR Niche
This is quite popular and trending right now in the blogosphere.
Organizing an interview by email with the most popular bloggers or even audio recorded, could boost your traffic.
Try to get the most experienced and well-known bloggers in your niche.
Remember to ask smart and unique questions!
Any other tips to improve your blog?
Or to get more traffic?
Please share your suggestions in the comments below, thanks!
Write what you know well! That’s a very good and evergreen tip to improve your blog. So, you take what you know and give it a twist. Filter it through your imagination before that knowledge hits the page.
Follow the High Experts in YOUR Niche – To become an expert in your niche, follow the experts. One of the biggest challenges you have to overcome as a blogger is to prove to your audience that you are an expert in your niche. Build a friendship that’s strong. Help and work with them if possible. Doing so, you can learn more things from them and may apply it in your blogging career.
Hello Erik,
Fantabulous article man. Consistency is the crucial factor to improve any blog. Interviewing bloggers is a great idea. Thumbs up to you.
Hey Erik,
I want to specially thanks for you for this post because at present I need this type of post.But please tell me how I reflect my blog to a particular niche?Thanks for sharing.
Hi Erik
First off, good to be here after a long time – due to my hectic work schedule. Love the tips that you shared on how to improve our blog. Application is key so I would definitely be paying more attention and see how best I can make the changes and get the best results.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Hi Erik
Each and every tip that you have mentioned are spot on and I like that it is easy to digest.
Thank you for sharing this information and this is a great reminder of what must be done in our blogs to make it more engaging. Take Care.
Hello Erik,
Indeed, these tips are indeed Evergreen tips that can be applied every day. Newbies can apply them just as experts can as well apply them.
Blog improvement applying these tips are possible. It should be printed at the back of the minds of bloggers that quality content will readily help to attract and keep bloggers.
Writing more than quality content is still very vital!
I left the above comment in where this post was found.
Hi Erik bro,
Great post as usual.
We need regular basis improvement on our blogs and lifestyle because its the need of today. But we should have the knowledge, how we can make improvement.
After reading your post, any can make the improvement in his blogging life.
As you mention in your post the write what you know. Its 100% works because if you write that which you have no experience, you can not write perfect and your quality will sucks you.
The another thing is inserting images in your blog post. Images plays a great role to attract readers towards your blog so, I have no any doubt with this point.
Although, all the points are superb.
Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.
Have a great day
Some solid blogging tips right here!
I would add; Make YOUR blog easy to navigate – nothing keeps readers around like an easily navigable site!
Indeed quality content plays a major role in getting the traffic from search results in long term manner but we also need to update the eventually to match the current updates,
Nice tips though,
Hey Eric
Thank you for the informative post. you have pointed out all the important aspects required to make and run blog successfully.
Inserting high-quality images is one of my favourite in blogging as others too hold the same importance.
Thank you again for such an awesome post.
Hey Erik,
You are so right about quality content. I am just new to this but reading blogs, I am finding sometimes I am insulted that people want feedback when it appears they have done a half hearted job. I just get disappointed.
I am did not think about the turn around time of a blog opening and when I think about how impatient I am, well lets just say I am going to put that free tool to use as soon as I finish writing this comment.
I have not been using links. I like to do one thing right and then learn something new, and it is time to do at least one per post. So that is now on my list of things to do.
I am not sure what this RSS thing means – but I am working on it. I have an RSS in my handle but it errors out, reminding me after this post i will be getting onto that as well. Oh my ‘to do list’ just gets bigger and bigger. Anyway, just thought I would drop you line saying great post, it has me tapping around the key board and sent my mind into a flurry on overload. There is still so much to do and learn. Thanks again.
If you want to improve your blog then a simple layout, high quality content and the use of proper images will do the trick.
You don’t need to follow any advance tactics as you can make a big difference using small tweaks.
Thanks for sharing the tips, Erik!
Blogging is not a day job we need lots of patience with lots of efforts , as a new blogger i always first think about my on page optimization and site speed then content is the king should have good knowledge when write about the particular post initially was very troubled now getting little better compare with beginning days because i followed mostly all of them of your points..
some points of i followed gzip compression , jsscript minifer, image compression and cache if a blog is static its really improves speed of our blog thanks for sharing a valuable post Erik..
Hi Erik,
The best tips i have ever read , everything is spot on and right guidance to bloggers.
Thanks for this wonderful article.
Hi Erik,
It’s a really excellent article,
The first thing very thanks for this article. You revealed 10 evergreen tips. I am a newbie but this may very helpful for my blog. In this article. I very like the last part (Bloggers Interview).
Hi Erik,
I am glad to tell you. your article was impressed me a lot. one of the best articles I have ever seen.
At the same time, I saw one article about evergreen compare to that it’s really different from others.
Thanking you regards by Sara Gates
Hey Erik,
Great article with a clear explanation, These things make me read your blogs regularly Erik, It is a common thing only but your content flow is very awesome to learn this thing as feeling like new.
Keep rocking man.
Fantabulous article man. Consistency is the crucial factor to improve any blog. Interviewing bloggers is a great idea. Thumbs up to you.
Hi Erik,
You have written a nice blog post. I read out and found it useful. The tips are really effective. Thanks for sharing wonderful suggestions. Keep it up.
Improve your blog with authentication. You revealed 10 evergreen tips. I am a newbie but this may very I read out and found it useful helpful for my blog. one of the best articles I have ever seen.