There are thousands of server providers on the market, but all these services are not created equal. So how does a business choose the best servers provider for their business? The first thing is to understand the major types of hosting packages out there. This way you can choose a hosting provider that supports your business and don't create unnecessary hurdles to the … [Read more...]
How Your Blog Can Be Your Best Ever Marketing Tool
When it comes down to it, your blog can be a real marketing tool. Most business owners start blogs just because they think that they should, but there is more to it than that. When you launch a new blog, you can reach out to your audience and network with other business people. Your blog is not just the place you put posts about your company, it can be a resource for … [Read more...]
No-one’s Reading Your Blog? Let’s Change That
It’s frustrating when you spend hours crafting wonderful content. You fill it full of great insights, useful tips, and lots of photos. Finally, you hit publish, but nothing happens. You might get a trickle of visitors, but it mostly lies unseen. It’s often demoralizing and disheartening. If this is something you’ve experienced, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Every … [Read more...]
The 4 Laws Of Effective Web Design
Welcome to today’s post on web design! We’ve been chatting to expert web designers all morning, and it got us thinking. What are the most important rules, or laws, to live by in the web design industry? We asked our good friends for their feedback, and boy did they deliver! What we’ve got lying ahead is a series of commandments that web designers swear by in … [Read more...]
How to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Business Website
Getting traffic to your business website might sound great, but it isn’t the only thing you need to focus on. There’s no point in having that traffic at all if they aren’t specifically targeted to your business. They’ll leave just as fast as they found you! If you want to make sure you’re getting targeted traffic to your business website, use the following tips: … [Read more...]
What Well Written Content Can Do for You
Well written content is the key to building up a large following, whether you’re looking to do so on your blog or website. You can’t churn out content that is low quality, filled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. If you’re not sure what the benefits of well written content are, read on to learn: You Can Establish Yourself as a Niche in the … [Read more...]
How To Make Money Blogging!
Blogging is more than a fun pastime - it can turn into a career. Sure, you might adore writing, but wouldn't it be better if it made you money? If you want to monetize your site, you need to make sure that you have something to offer. When it comes to advertisers, you need to offer them a stable readership and lots of clicks. If you can do that, you can make a real wage … [Read more...]
The Simple Blueprint To Blogging For Money
Source Blogging has been a growing phenomenon for a number of years. Nowadays, millions of people have microsites to express their opinions to the world. However, setting up a blog for money is entirely different. Making a career from blogging is a truly glorious prospect. After all, what could be better than earning money for writing about your favourite things in … [Read more...]
Easy Ways to Get Repeat Customers
Flickr It costs businesses a lot of money to get new customers. It takes time, marketing, and a lot of products and services to be in a position where a new customer walks through your door. However, once they become a client, there is a lot more low-cost opportunity. Your existing customers cost far less than new ones, so it’s a financially sensible idea to make sure … [Read more...]
Building A Website For Your Church? Here’s What I’d Recommend!
We all know the many benefits that websites can offer us. They help us to promote our brands to a global audience and give us a voice on the Internet. These days, churches are benefiting from an online presence too. You might not think it, but churches are investing a lot in today's modern technology. In some ways, churches aren't too dissimilar to businesses. They … [Read more...]