It’s 2019, post Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Possum and all the other Google algorithm updates. So, why are you still laboring under the same old SEO ideas? Even among SEO practitioners, there are wildly different ideas of what works. Just ask a room full of internet marketers and they’ll likely disagree on anchor text, meta tags, and links versus content. It bears … [Read more...]
You Might Face These Problems as You Start Blogging
Blogging is a great way to express what you feel. It is also a strategy to advertise your business. You can write a quality blog, and somewhere in the article, you can insert the link to your website. When readers click the link, they will see everything that you want to offer them on your site. However, blogging could be a disaster if you make these mistakes. Lack … [Read more...]
How to Find Out if Your Site Got Penalized by Google
For the last few years, Google has been making significant changes to its algorithms. The reason Google keeps updating its algorithm is because it wants to provides users the best answer to the queries they enter in the search and the best possible user experience. The Penguin and Panda updates changed the landscape of the search engine and now Google penalises websites that … [Read more...]
6 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Online Business
There’s no denying that the business world is a highly competitive industry, so knowing how to stand out from the crowd can be tough when you first begin to navigate your way through it. Hundreds of new businesses start up every day, but only a small percentage continue their success in the long term. Many entrepreneurs now choose to start their business solely online, whether … [Read more...]
Delivering the Best Possible User Experience in 2022 and Beyond
People online are becoming increasingly spoiled. And why shouldn’t they be? It’s your duty as an entrepreneur to provide them with a flawless user experience. And if you want to beat the competition, you have to stand out. The experience you provide to your customers has to be smoother and more engaging than that of your competitors. Here are some tips that will help you … [Read more...]
What Is Blogger Outreach & How Do I Do It?
Blogger outreach refers to the process of building a long-lasting and fruitful professional association with influential bloggers and popular websites and using those platforms to promote a business, product or service. Publishing high-quality guest posts on established blogs in a niche industry allows local businesses to have greater visibility, strong online reputation that … [Read more...]
4 Tips to Optimize Product Pages on Your eCommerce
Product pages are a crucial step in optimizing your ecommerce website. This is where your customers decide whether to add a product to the checkout or not. However, many ecommerce businesses thank that it’s enough for them to just add high-resolution photos and long, detailed description. Well it is partly right, but nowadays it’s now enough to create high-converting product … [Read more...]
Listings Management and Search Engine Rankings: What it Means for your Practice and Potential for Patients
Have you ever made last minute plans with a friend and automatically used your mobile device to search for restaurants nearby? Or maybe you felt yourself coming down with the flu, and wanted to find out where the nearest available doctor is to your location. With consumers using search engines to find local businesses more and more, it’s important to understand that … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know Before Buying an Ecommerce Website
Ecommerce websites are one of the most effective ways to build a profitable online business. Do you want to join this trend? Then take a look at these six things you need to know before buying an ecommerce store. 1. Web Traffic and SEO First, you need to evaluate the traffic of the established online store on sale. As you probably know, web traffic is the … [Read more...]
Getting Started with a Website
If you have finally decided to convert to 21st century business marketing strategies or you are a start-up then you may be looking for a bit of advice in getting started. Do you want to hear the good news? Okay, well setting up a website doesn’t have to cost a fortune and it is become much easier than it was historically. Gone are the days when you needed to bring … [Read more...]