We’ve all visited those websites that just have us immediately fumbling for the escape button.
Or those sites that are just too difficult and busy to find what you are looking for.
There are definite “red flags” when it comes to website turn-offs and these are five of the top annoyances to consider avoid when putting your site together.
1. Giveaways
People are skeptical enough when dealing with websites that they are not familiar with.
It’s like the old saying goes “nothing’s free!” so when people see “giveaway” they expect to be approached about paying for or signing up for something in return.
Be cautious about what you giveaway and how you announce your online giveaway.
Another thing to consider is that readers will be extremely hesitant about giving you information that requires their phone numbers or address, which would be the only way to send them this giveaway.
Just be upfront about your giveaway and don’t “push” it on your readers.
2. Fast Cash Promises
People are always looking for a way to make quick money, but if you are thinking about posting fast cash promises on your site, do your homework!
Make sure these methods really work and are ligitamate techniques to make money.
Don’t tarnish your good web name to draw in traffic that will be disappointed with the information you provide.

3. Sign Ups
No one wants to devulge their personal information and are leary about any site that asks for it.
If you decide to ask for your readers info, explain what you are going to do with it and why you are asking for it.
Also, don’t get too personal.
This make people nervous and nothing turns readers away quicker than someone they don’t know asking for information that gets too involved.
Read this interesting article from Forbes :
25 Web Design Tips To Honor 25 Years Of The Web
4. Flash
Flash tends to cheapen a site when overused or used incorrectly.
Beware the “car dealer” approach! “Buy Now”, “FREE!”, “Win Prizes!”, you get the idea.
These catch phrases are just that, supposed ways to catch the eye of your reader.
Unfortunately, over time people have smartened up and realized that most of these flash phrases are just empty promises.
5. Too Much “Stuff”
Less really is more when dealing with your website.
Nothing is more frustrating than piling information, photos and stuff on a site.
When readers have a tough time finding what they are looking for on a site, they will go somewhere else.
You have only a few seconds to capture your reader, so make those seconds count by keeping your pages simple and easy to read.
You mean a “Get rich in 24 hours with my program” using a neon flashing sign won’t work?? Lol…I hate those flashing pop ups…definitely a put off for me!
You mean the hammock picture doesn’t work either? Looks like I need to take that photo down too then … 🙁 Lol
Hey Erik,
Top notch writing! Personally, I think the biggest red flag for me is when a site has too many pops up. I mean, I am cool with them but at least set them to show after 5 seconds. Not immediately!
Haha, as usual … great article!
Keep it up.
Hello Erik !
@ Catherine, It is also a turn off for me, no matter how rich your site could be.. I would just get my info and never return…
It is high time web master understood the meaning of not living up to what they promise their visitors or readers, it could be a total no return when promises are not kept…
Thanks Erik for passing on this valuable information !!
Nice one!
Spot on! Giveaways are like that and frustrating to know you need to take some action before receiving, but that’s the real scenario, this is life and we need to bear with it. I am not so sure if there are easy ways.
Flash? Hmmn, well, yes, overused sucks! It will look so salesy or spammy. Clean website is pretty and it’s easier to establish trust. By doing so, you can get a good number of visitors, just like if you’ll not follow the last number which is too much stuffs.
In this digital age, users are keener and very clever. We need to stand on their shoe if we’ll try to design or redesign our blog.
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