Banner placement is critical to marketing success in 2018. If you put time and effort into designing an effective ad, don’t ruin your ROI by placing them in the wrong places.
Need some guidance to help make sure you’re considering all your opportunities when it comes to ad placement? Read this guide for advice on maximising your marketing ROI with banner location tips.
Location: public place
As a rule, few of us will spend time, effort and petrol trying to find a shop — particularly if there are others that offer the same items and services. This is highlighted by the fact employees in the UK are working more overtime than ever before with 60% of those asked stating that they don’t have a good work-life balance, according to a study published in The Independent last year.
Think about your store location — is it easy to locate or do customers routinely tell you they’ve struggled? Using a public place to advertise not only helps people find you, but also promotes you to the general public. If you’re thinking about placing these outdoors, make sure you opt for a quality PVC or vinyl banner featuring bold fonts and bright colours to make sure your ad can endure the weather and attract attention for maximum return on your spend.
Location: events and exhibitions
The UK events industry is worth £42.3 billion and 1.3 million business events are held annually, according to Eventbrite. Corporate hospitality accounts for around £1.2 billion, while exhibitions comprise £11 billion and conferences make up the lion’s share at £19.9 billion! Why would you not try and use these lucrative events to help your brand?
Rather than relying on digital platforms to boost your ROI, give print ads a go at your next event if you haven’t already. According to a study carried out in the US, participants that viewed print media showed a greater emotional response for it and were able to recall its details better than they could for digital ads. If it’s eye-catching enough, it will draw potential partners and employees to your table where you can begin discussing the key details of your business.
Using digital ads may make your message harder to recall, while print could add longevity to your marketing strategy that will boost your ROI beyond the event itself.
Location: store windows
There have been some iconic window displays in the past — think about Harrods in London and Macy’s in New York City. So, why not do this yourself? Apparently, 80% of consumers describe themselves as ‘promotion sensitive’. So, highlighting a special discount on your pull-up banner placed in your store window will give your offer excellent visibility to help bring foot traffic in-store. Also, research shows that discounts can make it less probable that people will then compare your range with your competitors’! Remember to use contrasting colours and large text to highlight your offer on your banner.
What’s more, according to store design and display consultant, Linda Cahan, in an article published in Entrepreneur: “Each window should tell a story”. Use a platform to raise your banner for better viewing opportunities. Don’t let people pass by: give them a reason to step inside and buy from you.
Location: awards shows
Award shows are great fun and attending is a fantastic way to get noticed by peers and potential customers alike. There are countless ceremonies for every industry taking place across the UK throughout the year. So, how can you highlight your brand when you’re surrounded by competitors?
A Canadian study sound that three quarters of people could remember a brand after viewing it via a print media ad. Conversely, only two-fifths were able to recall the company after seeing it on a digital platform. So, why not place your pull-up banners behind you during interviews or when you’re making a video for your Facebook page? Hashtags, contact information and your brand logo are essential components of an award show banner — and make sure you share your snaps or videos on social media to spread brand awareness!
Firstly, check that these ads are OK with the organiser and secondly, get photos and videos uploaded to social media! A creative, attention-grabbing pull-up banner stamped with your brand logo and key information you want customers or prospective employees to know will work wonders to promote what you do.
Location: reception
When you think of print banner ads, you often immediately think about exterior locations. However, the sleek dimensions of a pull-up banner will allow it to stand conspicuously in the corner of your foyer or next to your reception desk to help promote your brand.
But, is there any research to show that this location is effective? Apparently, there have been some studies into this. The section immediately inside a shop building is called the ‘decompression’ zone, according to an article by the Economist. This is because customers need to momentarily ‘slow down’ to assess their new surroundings and assess which products are on offer.
Have you been up and running for five years this year? Have you recently added another line of products to your range? Accomplishments matter. Studies suggest that it can take as little as a tenth of a second for us to formulate an impression of something, which means that you don’t have long to portray your brand in a positive light when your customers step into your building. Make sure you shout about your achievements and include all the best information about why the reader should choose your brand.
Make this year is a great one for profits by maximising your ROI with print banners.
Sources: #–cms-28611
Love this article. Banner placement has been in the marketing strategy field for such a long time and up until now, many businesses don’t know the right practice and the right locations to place banners. This article should be a refresher for businesses that wants to recreate their marketing strategies.