If you’re a new marketing agency, usually one of your first problems is ironic, because of its marketing. Customer acquisition can be tough for a new B2B business. It is even tougher when you are an agency because there is so much competition out there. The good news is, that most problems in the business world, have their solutions.
Let’s discuss 5 simple ways to start generating new clientele.
Start With People You Know
The low hanging fruit when starting any business is to present it to your circle of friends and family. This is especially true if you know any business owners. Business owners tend to talk to business owners and they often discuss their business issues with each other and chances are, once of them has a marketing problem. A referral from someone you know is one of the highest converting lead generation methods due to the already established trust involved. This can help you get the initial bump in revenue to get you going.
The best way to do it is to treat it like a typical sales process. PRospect amongst your circle and make sure to follow up. Show the same tenacity you would with any other lead.
Partner With Competitors
A lot of new agencies try to keep to themselves and think their competition is every other agency out there. The truth is, most agencies have their strength, and would much rather outsource their weaknesses to a partner. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and reach out to agencies that specialize in what you are weak in. Then pitch them the idea of working together and outsourcing the “less favorable” work out to each other. This can help you tap into their lead flow. Frootful Marketing is an agency that has used this with success, stating that “you can help other agencies make use of their resources more efficiently, and they can do the same for you.”
White Label
Many marketers forget that a white label is an amazing option for them to grow their business. As a marketer, you have a unique set of skills that others wish they can tap into, or often get asked about and have no solution. People like content creators and web designers are often in the perfect position to pitch marketing services but don’t have the skillset to offer the service.
Reach to the web design agencies, freelance writers, and even other service agencies and pitch them your white label packages. Its a win-win for everyone involved and includes a ton of benefits for both parties.
They don’t have to actually know or do the marketing, and you get a client without actually having to deal with them on a day to day.
White label can be a powerful tool to help you grow your business if you can grow a network of others who are willing to work with you. As you grow your reputation, this effort will only compound itself.
Freelance Platforms
If you’re really struggling to find your first client, then freelance platforms like Upwork can be an option for you. They already have a pool of people looking for services like yours and all you have to do is try to bid on and win those jobs. Normally the higher end clients stay off of these but this can provide a nice boost of revenue to your business to jump-start things. It can also lead to referral opportunities down the line and can be a good way for you to build your reputation.
Take Your Own Medicine
Last but not least is the ability to take your own medicine. If you’re a marketing agency, one of the best ways to earn your clients is to do what you claim to be good at. If you are in fact good, then you should have no problem getting clients with the method you hope to use to get yourself those clients. Whether it be social media advertising or SEO, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Make sure you have a good sales process in place this way you can maximize every lead that comes in. You’d be surprised at the level of trust this will earn you. When the customer finds you through the method they need help with, the proof is in the pudding.
It Starts With the Legwork
Get out there and start prospecting no matter the channel you choose. If you do good work, you will continue to see referrals. Marketing can be a very lucrative field and when done right, can send you right towards prosperity if you help enough people.
Great ideas. Partnering with competitors to neutralize and overcome our weaknesses is awesome.
Instead of trying out any big things, it is always good to grow gradually. I’m sure your ideas will be more helpful and encourage start-up agencies to win in the long run.