Short of a marketing budget? Worried that you aren’t getting customers because you can’t afford a big campaign? Well, worry no longer.
There are potential clients everywhere, and all you need to do is be a little more clever about finding them. And, of course, enticing them. Here are some tips to get more customers without spending a fortune on marketing.
Move into a coworking space
A lot of freelancers work from home these days. It’s cheap, convenient, and on some days, you won’t even need to get dressed. It’s not a bad way to spend your days, but it isn’t going to get you more customers.
Instead, think about finding a coworking space in your area. There are plenty of them about these days – these little hubs for startup companies. Take a look at Level Office for a good example of what to expect.
You’ll meet plenty of people with great ideas, and you’ll be able to share information with them. And, if they need your expertise, they might even pay for it – and it’s cost you nothing but your office rent.
Go to network events
Every city has business networking events – and they are excellent opportunities for finding more clients. Make sure you know what’s going on in your area. LinkedIn and Twitter are both good places for finding info.
Not all networking events will work, so it will take you a while to find your feet. And, you need to get used to everyone trying to pitch their business to you in no uncertain terms.
However, all you need to do is come across as professional, courteous, and helpful. Don’t be pushy, though, and you should get some clients on board without too much trouble.
Business is, for the most part, all about who you know.
Start an awards ceremony
This sounds much like a wild idea, but it isn’t. Business awards are incredibly popular because people love to win. It’s great PR for local businesses, and it gives them a lot of exposure.
And, if you market it just right and get some major players involved, there is no reason you can’t start your own awards night. Look around for sponsorship, speak to your old clients and get them to enter, and you never know what might happen.
In fact, you might be surprised by the overwhelming response you get!
Don’t forget about your old clients
You don’t need to throw your entire marketing budget into finding new customers. Keep in touch with your former clients, and if you have done an excellent job for them, they will use you again.
However, you can’t expect them to remember you, so you need to keep your name in the front of their minds. Send them a Christmas card, or a birthday card, or even just say hello.
There’s no need at all to be pushy or give a sales pitch. If you are confident about your business, you won’t have to.
OK, that’s all we have time for today. Hope you have been inspired to find new clients and customers – or get back in touch with your old ones.
You don’t have to spend a fortune – so good luck, and all the best!
Hi, Erik.
You shared some good ideas.
I thought the awards ceremony idea was especially interesting. It’s an idea that can be adapted in so many ways and forms a community at the same time. I’ll have to find a way of using that idea in a unique way for my business.
Thanks for sharing. Tweeting soon.
Social media and blogging are very effective ways to bring in new customers and new work. Online Networking gives us all a place to meet up, greet up and grow up together.