When you write a blog post, always keep in mind that readers have lots of expectations from it.
Then, try to write in a way that immediately grab visitor’s attention and make them completely indulge in the write-up.
But remember, when expectation is broken, it really disappoints readers and become a cause of high bounce rate.
So, in order to make your blog stand out, try to fulfill reader’s expectations producing informative and creatively written articles.
But how to grab your audience attention?
Here you find out some useful tips through which you can make your blog writing more innovative and user friendly.
Be Concerned with Your Subject
This is the first and foremost point to make your readers indulge in your write-up.
Subject-orientation is really important.
If you discuss three to four different concepts in one blog post, then it makes your readers confused and disappointed, because they are unable to understand the main topic.
So, when you are developing a piece of article keep it around one topic at one time.
For example : you started about “SEO” and after two or three paragraphs, you begin to discuss about another topic in the same post.
So this type of write up confuses your readers.
Start with an argument and stick with it.
Don’t Follow Others – Develop Your Own Unique Style Of Writing
Surviving in the competitive world of online business is really difficult, but if you have something expressive like your own unique writing style, you’ll be surely successful.
Be sure to always carry a single style of writing and follow it consistently, because this is the only thing that keeps you different than others.
If you have a huge fan list, then I am sure they will like your blog posts just because of your different and exclusive way of writing.
That’s why they consistently come to you and eagerly wait for your new post!
So, set up and maintain your personality in your blog.
It should be like this : if someone come to your site again after the first visit, he will feel the same essence as he felt before.
A good tip : start to post in episodes or chapters to sustain the curiosity of readers.
Try To Deliver Valuable And Beneficial Info
Whether you are writing a food blog, movie reviews, paranormal activity, business topics, personal stories, tips related to search engine optimization and so on, your blog must offer some sort of valuable and useful information to the readers.
Try to solve your audience problems, or write useful “how to” guides, or again, give out interesting tips and tricks.
You should also mention great resources, and remember to link out to your blog.
Not just link your articles within your site!
If you maintain these principles in every of your blog posts, you’ll get a reliable and trusty audience.
Maintain A Blog Updating Schedule
Regularity is very crucial step to maintain your readers and fans.
You want to gain subscribers to your blog and build your mailing list.
So it is essential to follow a fixed writing schedule to make your readers happy.
Be Simple And Transparent
Try to write in a simple and precise manner.
Always be specific, avoid usage of excessive complicated words, use correct grammar, accurate spellings and attractive titles and subtitles.
But, never forget to arrange the entire write up in a proper structure.
Keep in mind, reader’s love to read content that is simple to understand, error free and subject-oriented.
Use Unique and Catchy Media
Try to use some quality pictures that attract the readers attention.
There are plenty of sites which offer quality media for free (some of them requires a link back or just a simple credit, for example).
You want your blog to stand out from the crowd.
This is a very interesting article written by Marc Andre:
So, as per my experience these things will really make your blog worth and valuable.
Try these tips in your next post and let me know how it goes.
What do you think?
Do you recommend some other things?
Please let me know in the comments below, thanks!
No doubt about it. Blogging can create engagement and keep customers informed. Probably the easiest way to turn existing customers into loyal customers and readers. Though not many businesses concider blogging as full time job, yet.
Thanks for linking to my blog post, I appreciate it.
Hello Erik !!
Am happy to be back again to read this wonderful post, every new post you publish always carries and satisfies my expectations..
Standing out is just like getting a trade mark, establishing a mark of recognition among others.. This is very important it makes it easy for people to recommend you to others.
Let me add, Website, logo and favicon designs all makes you stand out among the crowd. Thanks for the share Erik !!
DOK Simon
Making a blog to stand out from the crowd may seem simple but it could be complicated. Luckily, there would be a light on the tunnel when it comes to bloggers standing out with the posts or contents they create.
In this vein, this details shared in this post are readily are action-orientated and motivational. Delivering valuable and useful information to readers in a specific voice is a strategy that really makes a blog post or website to stand out from the crowd!
I upvoted this post in kingged where it was shared for Internet marketers.
Hey Erik,
This is a subject that I don’t run into often. And that my friend is a way to stick out in the crowd!
But I definitely like the tips you provided here. The two that I like the most are to be simple and transparent, as well as being concerned with your subject.
I do admit, I catch myself jumping from subject to subject when I write my posts sometimes. You have to figure that ideas are running ramped and you want to stay focus. At the same time it will be beneficial for you to write down these ideas for future posts!
Also you want to keep it simple. Yes you can sound smart on your post but is your audience going to be with you all the way to the end of each post is the question? Keeping it simple is the most powerful thing you can do as well as being yourself and giving them the download on how things really work out. Your audiences is definitely going to appreciate this!
Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
Hi Erik,
The simple and transparent bit is SO easy to follow, and will make you stand out from the crowd. Speak your voice. Smart tips here Erik.
I find that speaking my voice makes me stand out. No other person on earth can speak with my voice, like no one can re-create your authentic voice Erik, if we’re true to ourselves. Evidence of you being true to yourself is apparent, due to your online success.
Following doesn’t make you stand out. Following puts you in the crowd. Leading, being authentic and true to you, and simply telling your story makes you stand out, big time.
Depending on your brand, you may want to post pictures of yourself all over your blog. Allow readers to become familiar with you and to see your smiling face.
It works perfectly for me at Blogging From Paradise. I plaster travel images all over my blog, sharing where I’ve been. So far, so good, as folks can’t seem to get enough of them, from here in Fiji, to Bali, to all the places that I’ve been.
Thanks so much Erik, loving this share.
I’ll tweet through Triberr.
That was a good point about developing a unique writing style. People soon come to appreciate our own “voice.”
Hi Eric,
I think this is a very informative and inspiring post. Telling people that’s it is alright to be unique and have their own style is awesome. I think a lot of people are getting wrapped up in try to gain readers, and duplicating what others are doing, rather than standing out. Anytime you do something that away from the norm is risky, but when you are true to yourself and your style of writing, people will notice. Always be authentic. Good post!
Hi Erik
I think now the basic formula to survive in blogosphere is to stand out in the crowd. For this you need not to copy others nor to follow them. You just have to develop your own personality and raise your own voice which your target audience can hear easily.
The points you mentioned in this post are very effective to make one stands out in the crowd. Once someone develops his own voice then he just need to continue blogging successful and keep achieving his target by providing the best he can to his target audience.
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post with quite unique points to make one feels his presence in blogging industry.
I found this at kingged.com and also kingged it there.
Hi Erik,
You bring up a couple of points I’ve been thinking and writing about lately.
First, find your own unique voice. Stop listening to “supposed” experts that just out there giving you formula’s of success. There is really no such things. It worked for them but if everybody is doing the same thing, writing about the same things, have the same type of titles; how do you stand out?
If I see one more article titled “7 Ways to Get New Twitter Followers” I’m going to scream. LOL… not that they will hear.
The point is start writing based on a topic, make it uniquely you, and then give it a title when you’re done.
I also appreciate your perspective of writing so that it benefits the reader. I say to my clients all of the time that if you don’t learn at least one thing you can use right now in a conversation, social media post, or blog article then I’ve failed you as reader and myself as a writer.
It’s all about them and solving a problem for them, as you said.
Finally, I love transparency. Just do it. What more can I say…
Thanks for an amazing article!
~ Don
Hi Erik,
No question there may be some repetitive ideas or similar articles online. I really appreciate that you remind us ho hard it can be and that writing and blogging takes commitment and work.
I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend!
Hi Erik.
Great tips, especially tip #5 – Keeping things simple and being transparent.
In the past I’ve over complicated things until the point of sheer overwhelm. Not a fun place to be, I can tell ya. 🙂
I do believe that being honest, ethical and genuine with your intentions is also a great way to stand out in a crowed marketplace. Even more so nowadays, with all the ‘fake it until you make it’ so called gurus online.
I discovered your site via Triberr. It’s great to connect with you here as well. 🙂
Hi Erik,
Just caught this post on Triberr.
So true. First of all, when we have a blog post with a nice enticing heading, we’d better provide on the promises, because, yes, the reader will be expecting a lot from us. But some bloggers do fail at that quite dramatically. Pompous titles with little value.
I have three blogs and my France Travel and Food blog hasn’t had a post in 3 weeks, because I decided to stop until I can get my act together. I had a hard time posting each week due to time and due to my other two blogs where I don’t miss 🙂
Now I’m using my own pictures at least 90% of the time, and I love it. They are creative, and it’s my signature in the way. My own designed images that I hope speak to the reader.
Thanks for the great tips 🙂
Hi Erik,
For bloggers the main motive is to make their blog stand out so that they can achieve their goal for which they work so hard.
For beginners it’s necessary to know that writing their blog post daily is not important, promoting them it more influential.
I have seen many newbies who try to follow others. But as you have suggested bloggers should have their own thoughts which they need to to publish in their posts.
Making bonds with the readers via comments, using social media is also a great factor for the popularity of a blog.
Great post.;)
Have a wonderful weekend.:)
Hi Erik, I love your point about being yourself and not trying to be like any other blogger. The more you can show your individuality the more your readers will come back to read your posts. I have to work on my email campaigns to share my posts and some from other bloggers too. Thanks for the great tips and have a great day Erik.