One of the most important aspects to any successful business is not only gaining, but also retaining customers.
Having loyal customers will allow you to have a steady increase of income, so you should strive to keep your customers happy once they’ve found you.
In the technology based world that we live in today, most of your customers will have found you online.
So, if you are wanting to successfully attract and retain customers through online methods, try following these 8 hacks.
1. Make Your Website User Friendly
If a new user comes to your website and quickly gets confused or overwhelmed, it’s unlikely they’re going to come back.
There are many things to think about when designing and improving your site: making sure navigation is clear, links work, the site is visually appealing, etc.
You can use a free website builderto help immensely with this, as you can be provided with guidance on how to ensure usability.
2. Offer Promotions
People love free stuff. One of the best ways to keep your customers coming back is to offer promotions on a regular basis.
Some great options include: a birthday gift, rewards for referring a friend, and loyalty discounts.
3. Great Customer Service
Nothing diverts people away from your business more than poor service. Not only this, but opinions will soon spread and others will be less inclined to invest their money in you.
So, remember the cardinal rule: the customer is always right- and stick by it.
4. Include a Search Function on Your Website
The majority of businesses websites are filled with a whole range of different content. More often than not, we want to be able to find something instantly.
By including a search function on your site, you ensure your customer can find what they want with ease, and this will keep them coming back for more.
5. Implement Social Media
This is often how people share new products and ideas with each other- by upping your social media presence you can increase the exposure of your brand. Make sure you promote your social media on your website and in any promotional emails- the more exposure the better.
You should also think about which social media platforms are best for your business and which your target audience will be using. Do you have a lot of content to deliver to your customers? Try Facebook’s live feature. Is there a specific design aesthetic to your brand? Then Instagram might be for you. Wanting to reach a slightly younger audience? Consider Snapchat.
6. Sell Yourself (Not Just Your Brand)
People like to know the face behind the brand, as it makes them feel like they’re connected. When people feel connected to you, they are more likely to be loyal.
Consider including an about me or about the brand page on your website, and keep things personal, even when you are communicating with a large group of people.
7. Keep Your Website Updated
Make sure all of your content is fresh, new, and up with current trends.
This also plays into the idea of including sales and promotions- make sure there is always something new to give your customers a reason to visit your site.
It’s also a great idea to include a blog on your site, which can also help with tip number 6, selling yourself.
8. Understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
It’s definitely important to use quality SEO keywords to attract traffic to your site. However, assure you don’t use specific keywords too much, as this could be considered as spam to Google.
When done correctly, SEO is highly beneficial for attracting new customers, so assure you’re using the right techniques to suit your business.
With so many websites and business out there, it can be hard to make yours stand out. Being able to attract and then retain customers online is an essential learning point for every successful entrepreneur, so assure you’re implementing all of the necessary techniques.
Hi Erik,
Thanks for such an in-depth article. You have explain very useful marketing ideas for boosting business. Extremely fascinating to pursue this article.
Offering promotions is quite great idea to attract more customers and gain some leads. I think these tips are really useful.