Not to boast, but you’re looking at a good little piece of writing here.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could call it your own — and more to the point, nobody else’s?
That’s precisely why you need a service to check for duplicate content.
Basically, duplicate content checking apps take your text and scour the Internet to see if that specific combination of words and phrases is already out there.
The need for unique content has been a big part of the SEO toolbox for years; you simply can’t get any respect from search engines if your site doesn’t offer something different.
And if your content is something that someone else owns, Google may be the least of your troubles.
Verifying unique content is even more essential now that guest posting is in the middle of a debate.
Perhaps you’re managing a site that publishes guest blogs, and you need to make the process of verification a bit more efficient.
Or maybe you’re an author of guest posts who would like to see where your work has ultimately been published and if it has ended up in multiple places, under multiple names.
Note: this is slightly different from optimizing the uniqueness of a given article, or comparing the similarity between two existing URLs.
Some of these methods can certainly accomplish these goals, but these five picks are specifically geared toward checking for existing duplicate content, quickly and for free.
Google Search
No, really.
Many free duplicate content checkers are merely frontends for Google Search anyway, so why not go to the source?
Especially if you’re familiar with quotation marks and Boolean operations.
Google can be a handy, flexible, and powerful way to reveal sites that post your writing.
The downside is that you’re limited to 32 words, which can be a severe drawback in some cases, and obviously it won’t give you any sort of useful “uniqueness” statistics.
An impressive no-nonsense plagiarism checker that uses Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines as well as dedicated searches for Google Scholar and Google Books.
Every tier of Plagiarisma’s services is free, but you’ll have to register to get the best parts (which include the “Synonymizer” content spinning tool as well).
Your results may vary if you select the “Google” option, but most of the time, I find DupliChecker to be more than sufficient to track down similar content using “Yahoo” and “MSN” (which both use Bing’s excellent search API).
You’ll get useful filters, as well as the ability to see how different the top result is from the next-closest.
Is it mainly a search engine frontend?
Yes, but a more convenient one than most.
Plagium belongs on any duplicate content checking list (short or long, free or paid).
The results are quick and useful, with a percentage ranking to show the difference between ‘some of the same words’ and ‘dangerously similar.’
The free version of the service is limited to 25,000 characters at a time, but that’s ten times the size of what you’re reading right now.
Every so often, Plagium will miss published content that I know is out there, so I feel safer with a backup option to verify any “no plagiarism found” results.
The most-used plagiarism checker : Copyscape.
The good news is that the basic URL checker is still 100% free; the bad news is that it doesn’t provide you with much in the way of pre-publishing/offline content uniqueness tools.
For that, you’ll have to move up to the Premium tier, which gives many other features [] for $0.05 per search.
What service do you use to check for duplicate content?
Do you often check for plagiarism of your blog?
Please let me have your feedback in the comments below, thanks!
Hey Erik,
Another great write. For me, I love CopyScape but it is slightly costly if you are a heavy duty type. Not heard much about the rest but certainly going to check them out.
Looking pretty amazing and promising!
Keep sharing plus the good work mate!
Hi Erik,
Thanks for sharing the duplicate content checker tools. I basically use Copyscape but it is slight costly so I would surely try out the other tools you have mentioned above.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful experience. my first website got penalize by Google and other search engines because i post duplicated content on my niches. i short it down because it was a waste of time writing content which will not be indexed. i learned from my mistakes because all the duplicated content i purchase from online so called guru writers where just copying other bloggers content and selling them to me. i guest i learn a big lesson and this should help teach newbies bloggers to be careful especially those purchasing content
Now i got the important tools needed for me from this informative post. Before reading this post, i only knew about copyscape. Keep doing.
I have a doubt, there are so many blogs dealing with same topics. So that there should be many similarities between those posts. They may have made it without referring others. Yet there would be some similarities especially the words they used in the post. Does google consider it as a duplicate content? Is there any proportion for Google in the case of duplicate content?
Copyscape is my favorite tool to check articles for plagiarism and sometime I feel like they must provide an O.S based application.
Thanks for sharing other duplicate checker tools.
Thanks for the comprehensive list. I use Copyscape for my blog.