Money is the driving force behind all these marketing techniques coming up. There is a huge potential to make money using an online presence. Many people often realize this late and for the few of the others that know there is still an opportunity left, this is the best bet you have to actually make some real money.
Knowledge is wealth when it comes to monetization… and time is money. Sitting down, understanding what you are doing, is necessary when you want to make money online. In the meantime, you tend to lose out on valuable time. Always remember that money always favors the hard working.
What Skills co does for you? is a website which allows you to make money out of your tutorial videos. Any video that you create on ‘how to do a skill’ is a potential money maker in your case. You decide the rate you want to sell your videos for and start earning from day one.
Instead of just depending on YouTube Adsense to make money off a video, which only works if you are eligible for YouTube Partner program by meeting certain criteria, you could work with YouTube to attract a wider range of viewers for your paid video tutorials.
You make a short video with details about your course and upload it on YouTube. Those who like your video and would want to enroll to your course a click on the link that you have provided in the description box. Every viewer who watch your videos on YouTube is a potential customer. Basically, you are making money by directing your YouTube channel viewers towards the premium content that you offering on Skill Co.
Along with paying viewers, you will receive your payments into your bank account on a daily basis, through a secure online payment platform called Stripe. Whatever is your price, you receive 90 percent of that minus the payment fees while you work on Skills Co.
Users can discover your courses very easily on Skills-Co because they have various options to provide users with videos that match their interests. Users can search for specific video courses based on their interests. Everyone each has their personalized news feed showing them a list of top-rated videos suitable to each user. Also, if your videos are quite popular on the Skills-Co website then they will appear in various suggestions to the users.
They do all this for you at . All you have to do is upload your videos on the website and state your expected remuneration and wait for your money to come to you. Even if 5 percent of your viewers from YouTube made a visit to your site and chose to do a course on Skills-co, it is still a lot of money. All in all they make life easier for you and guarantee minimal hassles and pain for you.
Skills Co. is available as a free app on Android, iOS, or Mobile Web App. This makes things a lot easier. Anyone can use this app and make cash even while they are asleep. Also, the Skills-Co team is always ready to help you out because if you don’t get paid neither do they.
sounds like a good way to get paid for sharing what you know