Putting on a good presentation, addressing as many questions as possible and maximising new contacts is what corporate events are all about. Here are seven ways to make sure your exhibit is as effective as it can possibly be.
1. Know Why You’re There
Your goal is to be as visible and attractive in your presence as you possibly can be. Everything you do and everything about an attendees’ experience of your stand should be focused on a single brand-specific message.
You should have a handful of simple speeches planned and memorized, if things start to feel overly scripted, impersonal, or repetitive, just try to slow down and remember how passionate you are about your brand.
2. Keep the Logistics Logical
You may not know much about the layout of the place before the event begins, but if you do, use this information to strategically place all your signs, literature, and other informative items. Have a good idea how you will position yourself, partners, employees, or anyone else who will be contributing to your exhibition.
In order to keep the people coming over to your stand and spending time there, why don’t you have some logo-emblazoned freebies for them? They are guaranteed to visit you if they get something to take home! Don’t sit, eat, or do anything other than present your information. You ARE the message.
3. The Right Stuff
Once you know what your space is going to look like, it’s time to plan its design. One thing you know already is that you want it to be big, bold, and attractive. You want signs that are large and vivid that will catch eyes from all the way down the aisle.
Have a look at http://www.marlerhaley.co.uk/banner-stands/ where you can browse through their products for inspiration. Banner stands are an effective item for portraying what your brand is about while catching visitors eyes from afar, so make sure you take advantage of them!
4. Use Professional Help
If you’re a large business, have an event planner; small business – consultant; or medium sized business – marketing expert.
For advice and inspiration, rely on the experts – they don’t have to be expensive, but they should match your budget and offer good information. Don’t be afraid to ask advice from those who work in marketing.
There are plenty of experts posting their marketing wisdom online in blogs and articles. Spend time Googling your questions and you’re sure to get all the information you need about putting on your exhibit.
5. Aim to be the Center of Attention
The biggest reason people claim they go to corporate shows is to get information on useful products and services or to learn more about their trade or industry. The truth is, there is also entertainment value to these events. There is excitement in the air and an atmosphere of possibility.
You want to cram your talks with useful information and entertainment. Keep it exciting, and relevant.
6. Minimise the Propaganda
If you hand out literature, make sure it can be read within moments. Pamphlets and brochures will almost certainly not survive the trip home. Keep in mind, the purpose of the event is not to advertise- but to make connections, appointments, and friends. Every interaction should be a sales pitch, not a cold call.
Get their business cards, engage their interests, and make appointments in writing.
7. Do Your Follow-Ups
So you think the event is over? Wrong. The end of the event is the beginning of the real work. Time for you to get out all of your follow up information, organise business cards, crack open your appointment calendar and start making calls. If you think there’s anyone you might have failed to get contact information from, the exhibition should be able to provide you with a list of attendees.
Now your real work begins. It’s time to get out there and solidify those contacts, make those sales, and form partnerships!
Corporate events can always be quite a daunting experience, whether you’ve been there a hundred times before or not. If you want your business to stand out and ultimately make the most contacts, make sure you follow these 7 steps and you’re sure to be well on your way to success.
I totally agree with you, especially in regards to getting professional help! It’s amazing what a professional can do with your ideas to make your event even better than you imagined!
Corporate events are a great way to network, make sure you bring plenty of business cards.. If you have a booth, a banner is a great way to ensure your logo is front and center along with the ability to deliver a great marketing message. Great tips, thanks for sharing!
One of the biggest issue any event management can face is Inventory. It is one of the most important thing for any event. If handled properly, any event can be successful!
Corporate events are a really a great way to network. Taking up a booth and putting up a a banner is a great way to show the brand. Very nice tips.